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2021 Business Night committee, from left, Faye Miguel, president of the Inter-Business Council; Justin Yago, co-director of recruitment and registration; Alex Tyau, executive director of Business Night; Noah Okamoto, co-director of recruitment and registration; Natalie Kwon, director of marketing

The premier mentorship and awards event for University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Shidler College of Business celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. Business Night recognizes top students annually for their achievements and pairs students with business professionals for an evening of learning and sharing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s event was held virtually on May 6.

With support from Hawaiʻi’s business community, alumni and friends, the college presented 47 awards totaling $87,000 to top undergraduate and graduate students. The college also featured a special 60th anniversary video highlighting the impact Business Night has had on students throughout the years.

For a list of award recipients, their sponsors and a video of the event, visit the Business Night website.

Student impact

Shidler College senior Alexandria Tyau, who served as executive director of this year’s event said, “It was an honor to continue the 60-year legacy of Business Night to ensure that students are recognized for their achievements and given opportunities for professional development.”

Tyau received the Special Senior in Finance award. “As an award recipient, I was recognized for my years of hard work and used this leadership opportunity at Business Night to prepare me for life post-graduation.”

First Insurance Company of Hawaii has served as title sponsor for an unprecedented 15 years, and Hawaii Business magazine served as media sponsor.

“Despite economic challenges caused by the pandemic and the cancellation of the in-person event, 37 companies graciously continued their award sponsorship to honor top undergraduate and graduate students,” Shidler College Dean Vance Roley said. “We are truly grateful to have the support of companies, organizations, alumni and friends who believe that investing in students is an investment in our community.”

First Insurance Company of Hawaii President and CEO Jeff Shonka said, “First Insurance has been the title sponsor of Business Night for 15 of its 60-year run. I attribute the longevity of this event and our support to the positive influences on everyone involved. I’m excited for all of the students and I’m hopeful for their future and our future as a community.”

This event is an example of UH Mānoa’s goal of Enhancing Student Success (PDF), one of four goals identified in the 2015–25 Strategic Plan (PDF), updated in December 2020.

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