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The largest annual fundraiser for KTUH Honolulu, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s student-run radio station, is taking on a different purpose this year. The theme of Radiothon 2021 is “Empowering Future Broadcasters.”

All of KTUH’s students and community members are volunteers. Some receive monetary stipends for their service, but the amount is much less than they would make through a part-time job, and the time many put in is equivalent to a full-time job. They all do it for the love and enjoyment of sharing music with their community of listeners.

This year’s Radiothon, March 26–April 4, will help support student DJs and staff while still providing the same programming their fans enjoy. All contributions will go toward an endowment for a KTUH scholarship program with UH Foundation. Their goal is $25,000.

“We have been discussing scholarships internally for several years,” KTUH General Manager Bjarne Bartlett said. “KTUH DJs are highly skilled at what they do, and volunteer their time to produce the shows that we love, so helping them out by off-setting the cost of their education was a top priority. The fact that KTUH is in the financial position this year to undertake an endowment fund for scholarships is both humbling and exciting.”

Visit KTUH’s website to donate.

Radiothon programming

girl with face mask talking on telephone

During Radiothon, KTUH’s listeners will experience a blast from the past.

“Our DJs will be playing their first song ever on KTUH while explaining how they started on their journey and why they continued to be a part of KTUH,” KTUH Marketing and Development Director Desmond de Vera said. “We’re also excited to bring back our esteemed alumni for the Alumni Takeover which will run from April 2-4. It’s a way for them to continuously contribute to the station that holds a special place in their hearts.”

Previous success

In October 2020, KTUH surpassed its goal, raising more than $40,000 during a 10-day Radiothon pledge drive. Those funds will primarily be used for KTUH broadcast infrastructure and renovation to its live engineering room.

KTUH is one of four UH Mānoa student media programs under Mānoa Now. The others are Ka Leo O Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Review and UH Productions.

This work is an example of UH Mānoa’s goal of Enhancing Student Success (PDF), one of four goals identified in the 2015–25 Strategic Plan (PDF), updated in December 2020.

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