University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Provost Michael Bruno is hosting a campus forum on Thursday, October 29 from 1 to 3 p.m and will be taking questions from students, faculty and staff. The forum will be livestreamed on the UH Mānoa YouTube channel, and campus community members are strongly encouraged to submit questions prior to and during the event at eforum@hawaii.edu. Questions are limited to students and employees and must be submitted through a hawaii.edu account.
The forum’s focus is on the current UH Mānoa budget planning process for a post pandemic Hawaiʻi. Information on the process is available, including the latest suggestions for each college and school. Bruno will also answer questions about spring 2021 and other topics, time permitting.
The video of the complete forum will be posted on UH News by Monday, November 2, if not sooner. This is the second livestream forum by Bruno. The first was held on July 2, 2020 where the provost answered questions about the then upcoming fall semester.