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The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA), and a UH working group consisting of faculty, administrators and executive leadership met for the first time on Tuesday, March 17 to discuss challenges faculty face as they prepare to transition to online learning.

“Flexibility is key during these times. We want to ensure that high-quality education is being delivered by the faculty and working with the administration is the only way we see as a path to ensuring that takes place,” said UHPA Executive Director Christian Fern.

The newly established group is identifying additional resources and best practices on how to teach students remotely along with addressing other concerns by UH faculty.

Resources for faculty include tools such as video recordings and web formats, training classes geared around the delivery of class material and references to approaches by faculty at other institutions.

“The expertise of the faculty in teaching, not in lecturing, not in writing exams but in getting information into other peoples heads is what’s going to see us through this. They are pros. They’re good at it and faculty will find a way,” said Don Straney, UH vice president for academic planning and policy.

The 10-campus UH System is moving from in-person classes to online delivery of courses beginning Monday, March 23, the first day of instruction after spring break, in response to the COVID-19 health crisis.

Tuesday’s meeting was conducted via conference call to adhere to social distancing advisories. The group will continue to meet virtually each day for the next week.

—By Moanikeʻala Nabarro

Faculty prepare to transition classes online after spring break
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