In February 2020, after eight years of service as president and chief executive officer of the College of Micronesia-Federated States of Micronesia, Joseph Daisy began a new chapter in the Pacific, as chancellor of Kauaʻi Community College.
“My vision for Kauaʻi Community College is first to build upon the decade-plus extraordinary work that has been completed by the former chancellor, by the faculty, by the staff, in collaboration with the community,” Daisy said, adding that student success continues to be his No. 1 priority.
“I’m cognizant that in this time of declining enrollment that we need to find alternative sources of revenue to ensure the sustainability of the college for the long term,” Daisy said. He intends to focus on broadening and expanding international programs to countries such as Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Daisy also sees entrepreneurship as an opportune area for students to collaborate with the community.
He has more than 34 years of experience in higher education as a counselor, faculty, director, vice president and president/CEO and more than 42 years in secondary education.
The Friends of Kauaʻi Community College welcomed Daisy during his first few days on the job. “What impressed me was their devotion to the college and to the students that we serve,” Daisy said. “One of the things I talked about in my meeting with the Friends…was this idea of reaching out to the schools, but doing a much deeper dive, so that students who come into elementary school know that this is their college.”
He also met with students and noted that the concept of ʻohana, or family, is very much alive at the campus. “In my meeting with students, they spoke about this spirit of aloha. Students talked about how they all care for one another, and they also spoke about how they feel they’re cared for, and held and that doesn’t happen everywhere.”
Daisy added, “I am so honored to have been selected as the chancellor for Kauaʻi Community College. And in every conversation that I have and every communication that I send, both internally and externally, I want people to know that from the bottom of my heart, it is truly a privilege to serve you as your chancellor.”
—By Kelli Trifonovitch