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The word 'congratulations' in front of a flower

The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates December 2019 faculty and staff anniversaries.

50 Year

Lind, Meda C
Professor, UH Mānoa

40 Year

Learned, John G
Professor, UH Mānoa

30 Year

Anama, Verna M
Pre Audit Clerk, UH System

Hunrick, Blake R
Professor, Leeward CC

Kaheiki, Mary-Eunice H
Agricultural Research Technician, UH Mānoa

Stone, Marissa B
Secretary, UH Mānoa

Tengan, Kyle N
Physical Plant Management, UH Mānoa

Terada, Keith Y
Professor, UH Mānoa

Wessel, Pal
Professor, UH Mānoa

Yamamoto, Lance T
Institutional Support, UH System

20 Year

Blanco, Francis J
Physical Plant Management, UH Mānoa

Chee, Brian
Information Technology, UH Mānoa

Ha, Chung-Eun
Associate Professor, UH Mānoa

Matsushima, Tracy R
Media Design and Production, UH System

Morando, P
Instructional and Student Support, UH Maui College

Taira, Deborah Ann
Professor, UH Hilo

Ward, Monika Anna
Professor, UH Mānoa

10 Year

Gaillard, Nicolas Max
Assistant Researcher, UH Mānoa

Irei, Kariann Chieko
Institutional Support, UH Mānoa

Kingdon, David N
Associate Professor, Kapiʻolani CC

Moriyasu, Ann A
Academic Support, UH Mānoa

Okamoto, Douglas O
Research Support, UH Mānoa

Oshiro, Elliott Matsuo
Academic Support, UH Mānoa

Oshiro, Melelani Amy
Assistant Extension Agent, UH Mānoa

Torigoe, Helen H R B
Instructor, Kapiʻolani CC

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