Congratulations to the University of Hawaiʻi’s 2019 tenure and promotion recipients.
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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo | University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu | Hawaiʻi Community College | Honolulu Community College | Kapiʻolani Community College | Kauaʻi Community College | Leeward Community College | UH Maui College | Windward Community College
See previous tenure and promotion lists (2012–2018) published in UH News.
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Brown, Jennifer—Assistant Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Chen, Hua—Associate Professor, Shidler College of Business
Chong, Vanessa—Assistant Specialist, Office of International and Exchange Programs
Davis, Katherine—Associate Specialist, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
Fabbri, Muller—Associate Researcher, University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Gal, Roy—Associate Specialist, Institute for Astronomy
Goodwin, Jeff—Associate Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Harris, Chessa—Junior Specialist, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Huang, Zhenhua—Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Huffman, Brian—Librarian IV, William S. Richardson School of Law
Ishii, Hope—Associate Researcher, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Jones, Melissa—Junior Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Lawson, Kenneth—Associate Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Murayama, Kenric—Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Ngo, Viet—Junior Specialist, Office of International and Exchange Programs
Ni Dhonacha, Siobhan—Junior Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Ono, Mari Akimi—Junior Specialist, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Pokhrel, Pallav—Associate Researcher, University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Seidel, Peter-Michael—Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences
Serrano, Susan—Associate Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Shek, Dina—Associate Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Shepherd, John—Researcher, University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Shim, Kapenaakala—Librarian II, Library Services
Shiroma, Kiana—Assistant Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Suvorov, Ruslan—Assistant Specialist, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Weldon, Jeffrey—Associate Professor, College of Engineering
Zelko, Frank—Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Zhang, Guohui—Associate Professor, College of Engineering
Allsopp, Richard—Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Archilla, Adrian—Professor, College of Engineering
Bertino, Pietro—Associate Researcher, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Boulay, Rachel—Specialist, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Brown, Jennifer—Associate Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Chen, Hua—Professor, Shidler College of Business
Chun, Mark—Specialist, Institute for Astronomy
Davis, Katherine—Specialist, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
Eckert, Mary—Associate Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Gavero, Gretchenjan—Associate Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Goodwin Jeff—Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Goodyear-Kaopua, Jennifer—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Halliday, Timothy—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Hintzen, Katy—Assistant Extension Agent, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Idol, Travis—Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Ishii, Hope—Researcher, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Kim, Albert—Professor, College of Engineering
Kimura, Aya—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Korth, Jonathan—Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Kraft-Terry, Stephanie—Associate Specialist, College of Natural Sciences
Lawson, Kenneth—Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Lin, Shu Hwa—Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Maricic, Jelena—Professor, College of Natural Sciences
McQuiston, Katherine—Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Mikami, Dean—Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Nakamura, Brad—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Ni Dhonacha, Siobhan—Assistant Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Ohigashi Oasay, Luree—Librarian III, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Radovich, Theodore—Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Reilly, Andrew—Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Rivera, Malia Ana—Specialist, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Sack, Nancy—Librarian V, Library Services
Sands, Kathleen—Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Selph, Karen—Specialist, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Sentell, Tetine—Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Serrano, Susan—Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Sharma, Nandita—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Shek, Dina—Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law
Shim, Kapenaakala—Librarian III, Library Services
Shiroma, Kiana—Associate Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Education
Steinemann, Susan—Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Stitt-Bergh, Monica—Specialist, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Suetsugu, Tracee—Assistant Professor, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Sur, Jill—Assistant Specialist, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Suryanata, Krisnawati—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Suvorov, Ruslan—Associate Specialist, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Tanke, Joseph—Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Trauernicht, Parker—Associate Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Wang, Chun Han—Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Willett, Rufus—Professor, College of Natural Sciences
Winter, Jenifer—Professor, College of Social Sciences
Yuan, Sarah—Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Tenure with automatic promotion
Akutagawa, Malia—Associate Professor, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Alegado, Rosanna—Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Bahng, Youngjin—Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Bateni, Sayed—Associate Professor, College of Engineering
Brown, Marie—Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
Chapman de Sousa, Elizabeth—Associate Professor, College of Education
Chen, Bin—Associate Researcher, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Chung, Brian—Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences
Cook, Sara—Associate Professor, College of Education
Edwards, Donald—Associate Professor, College of Education
Edwards, Kyle—Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Fan, Victoria—Associate Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Feuerstein, Anna—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Fripp, Matthias—Associate Professor, College of Engineering
Harrison, George—Associate Professor, College of Education
Higginbotham, Derrick—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Hu, Miao—Associate Professor, Shidler College of Business
Jiang, Li—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Kikiloi, Scott—Associate Professor, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Kirs, Marek—Associate Researcher, Water Resources Research Center
Kostetskaya, Anastasia—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Kramer, Hanae—Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences
Mattheus, Deborah—Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
Melzer, Michael—Associate Researcher, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Mileyko, Yuriy—Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences
Minas, Randall—Associate Professor, Shidler College of Business
Mitchell, Jason—Associate Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Nelson, Craig—Associate Researcher, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Pirkle, Catherine—Associate Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Revilla, Marie—Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Simanu-Klutz, Manumaua—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Sitchinava, Nodar—Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences
Tamura, Kaori—Associate Professor, College of Education
Tian, Miaoying—Associate Researcher, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Vaughan, Mehana—Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Walters, Lance—Associate Professor, School of Architecture
Wang, Haidan—Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Wu, Yan Yan—Associate Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
Yang, Myungji—Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences
Zan, Hua—Associate Researcher, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Zhang, Jinguang—Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities
See last year’s UH Mānoa promotion and tenure list.
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Cao, Shugeng—Associate Professor, Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy
Cooksey, Kathy—Associate Professor, Natural and Health Sciences
Pacheco, Misty—Associate Professor, Natural and Health Sciences
Haws, Maria—Professor, Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management
Kim, Sunyoung—Professor, Arts and Sciences
Price, Jonathan—Professor, Arts and Sciences
Saft, Scott—Professor, Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani College of Hawaiian Language
Sun, Dianqing—Professor, Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy
Delegated Promotion, Positive
Mowrer, Julie—Assistant Specialist, Academic Affairs
Tenure and Promotion
Eiben, Jesse—Associate Professor, Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management
Hern, Lindy—Associate Professor, Arts and Sciences
Lee, Su-Mi—Associate Professor, Arts and Sciences
Tao, Li—Associate Professor, Natural and Health Sciences
See last year’s UH Hilo promotion and tenure list.
University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu
Akiona, Loʻea—Assistant Specialist, Student Affairs
Chapman, Matthew—Associate Professor, Business Administration
Saul, Melissa—Associate Specialist, Student Affairs
Taketa, Steve—Assistant Specialist, Student Affairs
Chapman, Matthew—Professor, Business Administration
Chun, Jayson—Professor, Humanities
Hayes, Michael—Professor, Education
Lilomaiava-Doktor, Sailiemanu—Professor, Humanities
Young, Reed—Assistant Professor, Public Administration
Tenure and Promotion
Byrnes, Jennifer—Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Odhiambo, David—Associate Professor, Humanities
See last year’s UH West Oʻahu promotion and tenure list.
Hawaiʻi Community College
Nishimoto, Helen—Professor, CC, Counsel and Guidance
Tenure and Promotion
Cravens, Toni—Assistant Professor, CC, Mathematics
Dansereau, Sharon—Assistant Professor, CC, Humanities
Hirata, Brian—Assistant Professor, CC, Food Service
Phillips, Michelle—Assistant Professor, CC, Biological Science
Smith, Janet—Assistant Professor, CC, Early Childhood Education
See last year’s Hawaiʻi CC promotion and tenure list.
Honolulu Community College
Paudyal, Bed—Assistant Professor, CC, Language Arts
Aiu, Danny—Professor, CC, Sheet Metal
Chung, Silvan—Professor, CC, Counseling
Delay, John—Associate Professor, CC, Geography
Foster, Sterling—Associate Professor, CC, Natural Science
Luke, Mark—Associate Professor, CC, Humanities
Delegated Promotion, Positive
Kam, Cassandra—Assistant Professor, CC, Learning Resources
Tenure and Promotion
Abeshima, Ann—Assistant Professor, CC, Human Development
Schultz, Jeff—Assistant Professor, CC, Maintenance Repair/Welding
See last year’s Honolulu CC promotion and tenure list.
Kapiʻolani Community College
Sakaue, Shannon—Assistant Professor, CC, Career Counseling
Vega, Robert—Assistant Professor, CC, Allied Health/Respiratory Therapy
Collin, Herve—Professor, CC, Mathematics
Fernandez, Rosalie—Professor, CC, Visitor Industry
Goya, Kelli—Associate Professor, CC, Deans Office
Landgraf, Kapulani—Associate Professor, CC, Art
Nakoa, Michaelyn—Professor, CC, Special Student Services
Tenure and Promotion
Ewan, Beau—Assistant Professor, CC, English
Lindo, Jaclyn—Assistant Professor, CC, Economics
Milincic, Radovan—Assistant Professor, CC, Physical Science
Moody, Emily—Assistant Professor, CC, Art
Moura, Adam—Assistant Professor, CC, Art
Nathan, Jeffrey—Assistant Professor, CC, Psychology
Oehlers, Ai-Chin—Assistant Professor, CC, Library
Ross, Michael—Assistant Professor, CC, Biological Science
See last year’s Kapiʻolani CC promotion and tenure list.
Kauaʻi Community College
Boyes, Alan—Associate Professor, CC, History
Delaplane, Loni—Associate Professor, CC, Mathematics
Girard, Ryan—Associate Professor, CC, Mathematics
McGrath, Patricia—Professor, CC, English
Purvinis, Georgeanne—Associate Professor, CC, Electronics
Rutter, Kurt—Associate Professor, CC, Nursing
Tabuchi, Candace—Professor, CC, Business
Tenure and Promotion
Andrews, James—Assistant Professor, CC, Electronic INS/MNT
Dressler, William—Assistant Professor, CC, Learning Resources
Hannawald, Michael—Assistant Professor, CC, Chemistry
Lake, Margaret—Assistant Professor, CC, Non-Credit
Rossi, Pualiilii—Assistant Professor, CC, Hawaiian Studies
Soma, Dirk—Assistant Professor, CC, Sales and Management
See last year’s Kauaʻi CC promotion and tenure list.
Leeward Community College
Oshiro, Wayde—Assistant Professor, CC, Library
Ashburn, Bradley—Associate Professor, CC, Chemistry
Bauer, Michael—Professor, CC, Data Processing
Cai, Weirong—Professor, CC, Anthropology
Fujita, James—Professor, CC, History
Hardy-Kahaleoumi, Anna—Associate Professor, CC, Career Counseling
Keliikuli, Genai—Associate Professor, CC, Waiʻanae Moku
Khaleghi, Gholam—Professor, CC, Economics
Kosasa, Eiko—Associate Professor, CC, Political Science
Kwok, Siu Lung—Professor, CC, Physical Science
Lane, Joy—Associate Professor, CC, Career Counseling
Lindquist, Bruce—Associate Professor, CC, Geography
Oshiro, Wayde—Associate Professor, CC, Library
Takamure, Christy—Professor, CC, Speech
Watada, Jennifer—Professor, CC, Mathematics
Tenure and Promotion
Elliott, Daniela—Assistant Professor, CC, Biological Sciences
Gilbert, Christian—Assistant Professor, CC, Speech
Inoshita, Ann—Assistant Professor, CC, English
Lee, Meredith—Assistant Professor, CC, English
Padasdao, Bryson—Assistant Professor, CC, Physical Science
Shih, I-Chia—Assistant Professor, CC, Biological Science
See last year’s Leeward CC promotion and tenure list.
University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
Bowe, Samantha—Associate Professor, CC, Mathematics
Dukelow, Kaheleonolani—Professor, CC, Hawaiian Studies
Kaʻeo, Samuel—Associate Professor, CC, Hawaiian Studies
Kruse, Daniel—Associate Professor, CC, Information Computer
Nagle, Laura—Professor, CC, English
Peros, Lorelle—Professor, CC, Business Education
Powers, Julie—Professor, CC, Human Services
Scharnhorst, Anne—Professor, CC, Nursing
Tenure and Promotion
Evangelista, Teri—Assistant Professor, CC, Mathematics
Fujitani, Linda—Assistant Professor, CC, Counsel and Guidance
Low, Sanford—Assistant Professor, CC, Office Administration
Nomura, Eri—Assistant Professor, CC, Career Counseling
Rai, Buddhi—Assistant Professor, CC, Physical Science
See last year’s UH Maui College promotion and tenure list.
Windward Community College
Ikagawa, Toshihiko—Professor, CC, Social Science
Langston, Ross—Professor, CC, Biological Science
Zane, Kathleen—Associate Professor, CC, Counseling and Guidance
Tenure and Promotion
Li, Hongwei—Assistant Professor, CC, Natural Science
Palmer, Christian—Assistant Professor, CC, Anthropology
Poteet, Desiree—Assistant Professor, CC, Language Arts
Sue, Laura—Assistant Professor, CC, Business Education