An autonomous drone roves the seas for months at a time, collecting real-time data in research begun at the University of Hawaiʻi in the 1980s. The Wave Glider, along with Ocean Station ALOHA and new tests for the ciguatera toxin, takes advantage of UH’s unique location for ocean research, featured in the spring 2019 issue of the UH Magazine for alumni and friends.
Also in this issue, Blue Startups founder Chenoa Farnsworth discusses women’s strengths as entrepreneurs, and Hawaiʻi baseball coaches Joey Estrella and Gerald Oda discuss “what matters most.”
Learn more about Hawaiʻi high school students naming new asteroids, executive search firm founder Kathryn Inkinen’s influence on hiring in Hawaiʻi, Hawaiian Resource Specialist Earl Kawaʻa’s dedication to passing along cultural traditions, and numerous UH alumni receiving honors, promotions and appointments.
The bi-annual UH Magazine, published by Pacific Basin Communications in partnership with the UH Foundation, highlights alumni accomplishments and news from UH’s 10 campuses.