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Student walking on the lawn in front of Hawaii Hall

Effective this week, the foundation for a new leadership structure is officially in place for the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. As approved by the Board of Regents last week, the president of the University of Hawaiʻi now leads the UH Mānoa campus. This is similar to the role of the UH president through most of the 1980s and into 2001 and there is no longer a separate UH Mānoa chancellor position.

A key change from past structures was the creation of a new position, the UH Mānoa provost, to serve as a full chief academic officer for the campus and deputy to the president in leading UH Mānoa. This is a structure similar to the University of Washington and Indiana University. The UH Mānoa provost position was also named by the board to be an officer of the UH System alongside the UH vice presidents and four-year university chancellors.

David Lassner continues as UH president in the new structure and Vice Chancellor Michael Bruno was approved by the board to serve as UH Mānoa provost.

These changes represent the first phase of the development and implementation of a new organization structure for UH Mānoa that has been led by a collaborative design team with wide and targeted discussions and consultation across the campus for over a year.

With this foundation in place, the next phases of the reorganization can now be collaboratively developed including the detailed structuring of vice provost and other offices reporting to the provost and president. The president was charged to provide regular reports to the board on progress toward the rest of the reorganization.

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