Three University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa College of Education alumni co-authored a book introducing a new way for students to learn. Arting and Writing to Transform Education: An Integrated Approach for Culturally and Ecologically Responsive Pedagogy uses an interdisciplinary approach of literacy, arts and content area inquiry allowing students to learn to publish for authentic audiences.
The book encourages teachers to engage students to use their unique stories and experiences, steeped in social, cultural and intellectual capital, that matter to them. The book shares samples of projects and published work by students using four key instructional methods along with an extensive how-to section.
Anna Yoshie Sumida, Mikilani Hayes Maeshiro and Meleanna Aluli Meyer collaborated on the curriculum, which integrates knowledge and practices in literacy and culture, art and science, with a goal of creating a transformative educational experience for every child, building from the students’ home language and culture.
“This book is social justice to the core as it revolves around cultural identity, ecological stewardship, creativity, interdisciplinary teaching/learning and liberating student voice,” said Sumida. “It is theoretically grounded and has an extensive how-to section with 218 full-color images of student (artwork) and writing samples, both in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi and English.”
The book is available from Equinox Publishing and Amazon.
More about the authors
Sumida earned a PhD in education from UH Mānoa. She has taught Hawaiian children for 25 years.
Maeshiro earned a MEd in education from UH Mānoa. She is an education design specialist at Kamehameha Schools.
Meyer earned a BA in design and photography from Stanford University and an MEd in education from UH Mānoa. She is an artist, educator and filmmaker.