The search for Leeward Community College’s new chancellor has begun. The job was announced locally and nationally on January 11, 2019, and the expected start date is July 2019. Leeward CC’s former chancellor Manuel Cabral retired in June 2018. He served as chancellor for 10 years.
In making the search announcement, University of Hawaiʻi Vice President for Community Colleges John Morton said Leeward CC is seeking a visionary and collaborative leader who can guide the college to address challenges and opportunities.
“The next chancellor must embody Leeward CC’s mission, vision of being a learning-centered institution committed to student achievement and values,” Morton said.
Morton also said that Leeward CC’s values are kaiāulu (community), kākoʻo a hōʻihi i nā kānaka like ʻole (diversity and respect), kūpono (integrity) and kūākea (open access).
Search Timeline
- February 2019: The Chancellor Search Advisory Committee (CSAC) plans to begin screening applicants and nominees.
- April 2019: In addition to in-person interviews of the finalists, on-campus visits will be scheduled to ensure that students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders are able to attend open forums.
- April 2019: Morton plans to submit his recommended candidate for appointment to UH President David Lassner.
- July 2019: Expected start date of the new chancellor.
Chancellor Search Advisory Committee
The 19-member committee includes representation from Leeward CC’s constituency groups: faculty, students, Pūkoʻa no Nā ʻEwa (Native Hawaiian), civil service staff, Administrative Professional and Technical (APT) staff, operations and maintenance staff, administrator, organizational units and community leaders.
- Michael Cawdery, Faculty, CSAC Chair
- Genai Keliikuli, Pūkoʻa no Nā ʻEwa, CSAC Vice Chair
- William Aila, Jr, Community
- Kayla Bradley, Student
- Marc Earley, Student
- Kathryn Fujioka-Imai, Faculty
- Keith Hayashi, Community
- Sheryl Higa, APT
- Helmut Kae, Faculty
- Kami Kato, Student Services
- Warren Kawano, Faculty
- Mark Lane, Administrator
- Tracie Losch, Faculty
- Cecilia Lucas, Administrative Affairs
- Serina Makaiwa, Civil Service
- Robert Oshita, Faculty
- Leanne Riseley, Academic Services
- Derek Tamashiro, Operations and Maintenance
- Danny Wyatt, Waiʻanae-Moku
- Wayde Oshiro, Search Coordinator
For more information on the Leeward CC chancellor position, see the Leeward CC website.