Windward Community College Palikū Theatre’s fall season features a Broadway musical retold through African-American culture and an expressionistic docudrama based on the execution in Honolulu of Myles Fukunaga.
The Wiz
September 7–30
The 1975 Broadway musical that retold the story of The Wizard of Oz as a journey through the African-American culture of the 1970s. The Wiz is an I’m A Bright Kid Foundation production in conjunction with Palikū Theatre.
A Walking Shadow
October 19–27
Written and directed by Taurie Kinoshita, A Walking Shadow is based on the real events of the Myles Fukunaga case of 1928. This expressionistic, stylized docudrama recounts the life of a mentally ill Japanese-American living in Honolulu who was executed at the age of 19.
For tickets and more information, see the Palikū Theatre website.