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From left, Lee Putnam, Jeffrey Portnoy and Wayne Higaki

The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents elected Lee Putnam as chair and Jeffrey Portnoy and Wayne Higaki as vice chairs for one year terms at the July 19 monthly meeting. They succeed Jan Sullivan, Randolph Moore and Benjamin Kudo, respectively.

“It’s a privilege to be on the board and an honor to serve in a leadership position,” said Putnam. “I would like to continue to have this board and its members—with their wide variety of backgrounds, talents and perspectives—combine their strengths to help the university accomplish its goals.”

Also, Regents Eugene Bal III and Moore were both reaffirmed to five-year terms that expire in 2023. The next full board meeting is scheduled for August 16 at UH Mānoa.

The board is composed of 15 regents, who volunteer to serve without compensation, and who are nominated by the Regents Candidate Advisory Council, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the legislature.

The board formulates policy and exercises control over the university through its executive officer, the university president. The board has exclusive jurisdiction over the internal structure, management and operation of the university.

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