Out Loud in the Library! at Windward Community College presents a reading by poet Susan M. Schultz. Schultz will read from her last two books of poetry—Memory Cards: Thomas Traherne Series and Memory Cards: Simone Weil Series, on April 12, 5:30–7 p.m. at Hale Laʻakea Library first floor on the Windward CC campus. The event is free and open to the public.
Both books are part of a long-term project. A memory card is a large index card-sized prose poem that begins from a random quotation from another writer, and then moves through personal and historical memory.
Along with extensive work on memory, Schultz has written two books on her mother’s dementia, Dementia Blog and “She’s Welcome to Her Disease”: Dementia Blog, Vol. 2, both from Singing Horse Press.
She is a professor of English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoā, and is the editor and publisher of Tinfish Press, which she founded in 1995.
More about Out Loud in the Library!
Out Loud in the Library! is a literary and music event celebrating the rich intersection of words and music by local artists, and is meant to inspire and encourage students to find their own creative voice through writing, reading, poetry, music and spoken word.
For more information, contact English Instructor and Out Loud in the Library! Coordinator Susan St. John at (808) 236-9226 or email susankcl@hawaii.edu.
—By Bonnie Beatson