Town hall-like meetings are underway on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus to gather input for a campus strategic plan. All UH Mānoa stakeholders, faculty, staff, students and administrators are invited to participate in the process led by the chancellor’s office and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Michael Bruno.
“I want to ensure that we honor where we have been and the good work that has already been done by so many member of our campus community,” said Bruno referring to the current and previous strategic plans.
“We now seek input to help create mission, vision and value statements that clearly and holistically reflect what Mānoa is today, where we hope to be in the years to come, and how we get there,” Bruno added.
Meeting participants are divided into small groups to answer and discuss questions such as “Why did you choose UH Mānoa?” and “What keeps you excited about being a part of the UH Mānoa community?”
Other questions cover what UH Mānoa is uniquely able to provide to the community, the state, the country and the world as well as the campus’ responsibility.
Meeting information
The next two meetings are Thursday, March 1 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. and Tuesday, March 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the UH Mānoa iLab (Building 37) at 2532 Correa Road.
Anyone interested in attending is asked to complete an RSVP online. For questions or comments email program officer April Goodwin.