The Undergraduate Showcase of Research and Creative Work, which highlights the research and creative work of University of HHawaiʻi at Maānoa undergraduates across campus, was held on May 5.
Sponsored by the Honors Program and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, the showcase featured more than 75 presentations and posters by 100 undergraduate students. Attendees commented on the potential, diversity and volume of research being done by students on campus. A faculty member who came to the morning oral presentations commented on the “amazing projects” being undertaken by “very competent young researchers” and the “level or professionalism and confidence” in the presentations.
Top presentation honors
Oral presentations
- Arts and humanities
Research First Place: Sydney Blanke (Linguistics, Honors and UROP recipient)
Presentation Title: Linguistic Relativity in Action: A Comparison of Motion Perception in English and Russian Speakers
Mentor: Kamil Deen - Arts and humanities
Creative First Place: Angie Anderson (English and Theater, Honors, UROP recipient)
Presentation Title: Grand Guignol: The Theatre of Horror, the Efficacy of Horrific Staging, and When My Body Cried Out
Mentors: Todd Sammons, Markus Wessendorf - Engineering and computer sciences
First Place: Ziad Alexander, Nikolai Herrera, Michael Howard, Gavin Nall, Daryl Patlingrao, Travis Scott, Naftali Tolibas (Mechanical Engineering, UROP recipients)
Presentation Title: Design and Fabrication of an OSLS Electric All-Terrain Vehicle
Mentor: Lloyd Hihara - Natural sciences
First Place: Eric Welch (Global Environmental Science, UROP recipient)
Presentation Title: Groundwater Modeling in Pesticide Fluxes of the Fagaʻalu Stream, American Samoa
Mentor: Henrietta Dulai - Social sciences
First Place: Karolyn Lam (Public Health, Honors)
Presentation Title: Preventing Infant Deaths through Safe Sleep Education
Mentors: Lisa Kimura, Denise Nelson-Hurwitz
Poster presentations
- First Place: Madisyn Uekawa (Public Health, English, Honors)
Poster Title: What I Chose: Enhancing Suicide Prevention through Young Adult Fiction
Mentor: Susan Schultz, Jeanelle Sugimoto-Matsuda
Visit the event website for information about the Undergraduate Showcase or email the Undergraduate Showcase.
For event photos, please visit the Undergraduate Showcase FLickr album.