Editor’s note, January 13, 2017: A second video of the completed mural was added to the story.
The artistic explorations of a group of University of Hawaiʻiat Mānoa students are large scale and public thanks to a mural project at the site of the future clinical building for the William S. Richardson School of Law. About 13 student artists are participating, and their work will be featured on the plywood barricades surrounding the construction site at the corner of Dole Street and Lower Campus Road.
The murals was crafted with a combination of house paint and spray paint and separated by solid signature color panels identifying the artists.
- About the murals and artists:
ART AT LARGE : taking art out of the studios by the art department
UH Student Artists Define—and Decorate—The Law School’s Construction Barricade by the law school
Construction of the law school’s clinical building is expected to be complete in late 2017. The two-story building will connect to the existing law school by a second-story walkway and will add more than 8,000 square feet of space to expand the school’s 10 clinical programs.
- More about the new building: Law school breaks ground for legal assistance building, October 4, 2016