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Yuriy Mileyko

Yuriy Mileyko, assistant professor at UH Mānoa, is the recipient of a collaborative grant from the division of mathematical sciences at the National Science Foundation for a total amount of $220,000 beginning August 1st, 2016 for a duration of 3 years.

The project is titled “Topological Invariants for Enhanced Data Analysis.” The general goal of this project, which will be carried out in collaboration with professor Yuliy Baryshnikov from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), is to develop a theoretical foundation as well as practical tools for recovering local topological structure of complex datasets.

Introduction of topological techniques into the toolbox of data analysis was one of the major advances of the past decade. The field of topological data analysis has emerged as a powerful alternative to the mainstream methods of data analysis.

The grant also includes funding for graduate and undergraduate students, presenting an opportunity for the students to engage in interdisciplinary research activities. Students will have a chance to work at the frontiers of science with mathematicians, engineers, biologists and medical professionals at UH Mānoa and UIUC; they will be able to experience first hand how STEM disciplines come together to tackle important real world problems. The students’ experience will also be enriched by engagement in public awareness and early engagement activities with the goal of promoting and improving K-12 STEM education.

More about Yuriy Mileyko

Yuriy Mileyko obtained his PhD in mathematical sciences in 2005 from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University. Mileyko has experience as a research associate and visiting assistant professor at Duke University and visiting scholar at UIUC. Mileyko joined the department of mathematics at UH Mānoa in 2013.

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