The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) has launched a new website at www.pacioos.org. Its goal is to further PacIOOS’ mission to empower ocean users, decision-makers and stakeholders across the Pacific Islands with accurate and reliable coastal and ocean information, data and services.
The new website provides user-friendly tools and easy access to PacIOOS’ observations of waves, sea surface currents and water quality. Users can choose from a variety of formats to view and explore data, such as interactive graphs and map viewers. A large set of coastal, oceanic and atmospheric forecasts are also available for different parts of the U.S. Pacific Islands region, including forecasts of potential wave inundation, harbor surge, water temperature and wind speed.
“We are delighted to introduce a modern web presence that is engaging, informative and easy-to-use,&rdquo said PacIOOS Director Melissa Iwamoto. “As an ocean data provider, PacIOOS collects, manages and serves a wealth of information—the website is a crucial interface to connect ocean information with our users.”
PacIOOS’ website was designed with robust stakeholder input to serve a wide variety of needs. For example, the latest real-time observations and model forecasts help ocean users such as fishermen, commercial operators, surfers and swimmers to make informed decisions. Data products also support agency officials and emergency responders as they develop advisories and warnings. For scientists and other technical users, the website offers access to data servers and metadata, and a data search function. Educators and community members will find a comprehensive set of educational resources, including classroom materials, regional information and outreach brochures.
In addition, PacIOOS features special projects in order to highlight partner efforts and to provide research findings and related data. Users can delve into tracks from tagged tiger sharks, learn more about the implications of sea level rise, monitor ocean acidification and more.
—From a Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System news release
—By Fiona Langenberger