University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu Professor of English Stanley Orr published “Strangers in Our Own Land: John Kneubuhl, Modern Drama, and Hawaiʻi Five-O” in the September 2015 issue of American Quarterly, the preeminent American studies journal.
Orr argues that the Hawaiʻi Five-O television script “Strangers in Our Own Land,” (1968) written by Samoan American dramatist John Kneubuhl, is a pivotal text that exemplifies the thematic unity of the playwright’s literary works. Together with Kneubuhl’s other small-screen dramas, “Strangers in Our Own Land” stands along side the playwright’s masterful works representing diverse Oceanic cultural traditions.
More on Stanley Orr
Orr is professor of English and chair of the faculty senate at the UH West Oʻahu. He teaches courses in literature, film studies and cultural studies.
Orr is co-editor for a textbook entitled The Pearson Custom Library: Introduction to Literature (2006; revised edition 2008) and has published essays in Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Literature/Film Quarterly, Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres and Post-Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities.
—By Julie Funasaki Yuen