University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Librarian Irene Herold’s research into leadership development in academic and research libraries has led to the recent publication of Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes.
Book description
Edited by Herold, Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes explores whether leadership development programs develop leadership, the value of attending a leadership development program, and what a participant can reasonably expect, and ought never expect, if they attend a particular program.
Whether contemplating attending a program, developing a program, or just wanting to know what others consider essential theories or activities for personal leadership development, this book provides an informative look into a variety of approaches to creating academic and research library leaders.
- RELATED: The Library Journal interview with Herold: “Delving Into Leadership Development Programs | Leading From the Library,” September 30, 2015
The book is #69 in the Association of College and Research Libraries Publications in Librarianship monographic series.
About Irene Herold
Herold has served as university librarian at UH Mānoa since August 2013. Her other publications include “Capacity Building: Academic Libraries as Campus Partners,” Library Issues, July 2014; co-authorship of “Mindful Leadership Defined and Explained,” Advances in Librarianship, 2014 and co-authorship of “The Triple Bottom Line: Portable Applications and Best Practices for Sustainability in Academic Libraries,” Focus on Education for Sustainability: Toolkit for Academic Libraries, 2014.
Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes can be purchased in print or e-book through the American Library Association website.