The University of Hawaiʻi Women’s Campus Club invites applications for funding of special projects for 2016. Proposals may be submitted by departments, organizations, programs, or by individuals associated with any of these on any of the UH campuses.
Priority is given to projects that benefit a large number of students, enhance the university community environment on any UH campus, and to units that have not received major grants from the Women’s Campus Club in recent years. Requests should be concise, not more than two or three pages. Give clear goals and specific information on who will benefit from the grant, how it will be used, and a realistic line item budget. Also, indicate if there are other sources of funding. Requests for individuals, salaries or wages, entertainment, food and travel will not be considered.
Since grants are awarded on an annual basis and no funds are held in reserve, supplementary request cannot be funded. Grants for 2016 will be announced by February 2016 and funds will be released soon after that date. An average grant awarded is in the range of $1,000–$4,000.
For application forms for 2016 proposals, visit the Women’s Campus Club website.
All applications must be received by November 30, 2015. Five copies of proposals should be mailed to Martha Staff, Allocations Chair, Women’s Campus Club, 748 21st Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816, or delivered to the Women’s Campus Club, Bachman Annex 2 (UH Mānoa Campus Mail). For more information, email mstaffhi@gmail.com or call (808) 372-1280.