The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Department of Theatre and Dance presents the second Prime Time show of the 2015/16 season, Fall Footholds: In Sync, Out of Time. Performances will take place October 7, 8, 9, and 10 at 7:30 p.m., and October 11 at 2 p.m. in the Earle Ernst Lab Theatre. There will be a free post-show rap with choreographers and dancers on October 9.
The biannual Footholds concerts showcase the zenith of student choreography and movement-centered work, achieved through titanic amounts of sweat, blood and determination. The student choreographers at UH Mānoa constantly seek to better themselves and their work, pushing boundaries and defying limitations. This particular Footholds will be an amalgamation of visions and techniques ranging from aerial acrobatics to hip-hop inspired choreography to dances originating in the American Jazz Era.
When Gregg Lizenbery, director of the dance program at UH Mānoa and faculty advisor for this Footholds, was asked what he hopes this concert will show the Oʻahu community, he stated, “We have a wonderfully diverse group of dances and dancers that I believe the community will be delighted to see.”
Many talented choreographers will be showcased this October with a total of nine pieces. One piece by undergraduate Kanani Rose, called “Trust Fall,” examines the idea of the individual and community and how one creates and sustains the other. Graduate student Camille Monson’s “Space Mechanisms” is another highlighted piece that explores space and fitting into an unfamiliar environment. The program concludes with “The Cat’s Meow,” a lively dance set in the American Jazz Era with elements of the Charleston, the Lindy Hop and other dances of the era.
Michael Romney, graduate student and choreographer for “The Cat’s Meow” pursued a particular sincerity with his choreography. He says, “I want the audience to feel as though they’re looking into a snapshot of a different era, a different time.”
Ticket information
Regularly-priced tickets to Fall Footholds may be purchased online at www.etickethawaii.com, by phone at (808) 944-2697, at official outlets and at the Kennedy Theatre Box Office during sale periods only.
Ticket prices
- $18 general admission
- $16 seniors/military/UH faculty and staff
- $13 students/youth
- $8 UH Mānoa students with validated fall 2015 UH photo ID
Ticket prices include all service fees.