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David Lassner and Daniel Goldin

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) and a UH-based National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Network ECOGEO will host the NSF Science and Technology Center’s directors meeting in August. The meeting will begin on Thursday, August 27 with a morning conference on Big Data and Big Ideas which is open to the public.

UH President David Lassner will open the session, followed by a one-hour plenary talk by Dan Goldin, the longest-serving administrator in NASA’s history.

About the speakers

David Lassner
David Lassner was appointed University of Hawaiʻi President on July 1, 2014, and has been at UH since 1977. Lassner is an internationally respected leader in information technology for higher education. He earned a MS degree in computer science at University of Illinois at Urbana and a PhD in communication and information sciences from UH at Mānoa.

Daniel Goldin
Daniel Goldin holds the distinction of being the longest-serving administrator in NASA’s history. He presided over the agency from 1992–2001, at the pleasure of Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He is credited with transforming NASA through aggressive leadership, improvements in scientific and technological productivity and visionary investments. Following his retirement from NASA, Goldin founded the Intellisis Corp. in San Diego to develop transformational pattern recognition and information processing systems for industrial, government and humanity’s needs.

Event schedule

  • 8 a.m.—Coffee
  • 8:20 a.m.—Welcome and introduction
  • 8:30 a.m.—David Lassner
  • 8:45 a.m.—Daniel S. Goldin

For more information, download the event flyer.

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