The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates August 2015 faculty and staff anniversaries.
40 years
Cheng, John H
Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Goldsberry, Steven
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Masuo, Diane M
Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Melish, Marian E
Professor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Mount, John W
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa
Roumasset, James A
Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Wilson, Leslie C
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
30 years
Britten, Alan G
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Brown, James D
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Brown, Susan G
Interim Associate Dean and Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Buckley, Brent A
Associate Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Chau, Lori S
Secretary, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Dovermann, Karl H
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Ferguson, Kathy E
Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Haruki, Gale N
Information Technology, Technology and Distance Learning, UH Hilo
Head, John D
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Huey, Robert N
Professor and Chair, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Lum-Akana, Dayna M
Institutional Support, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa
Madden, Douglas P
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC
Matsuda, Charles K
Professor, Natural Sciences, Kapiʻolani CC
Mcgranaghan, Matthew P
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Nguyen, Hue V
Researcher, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Paul-Watanabe, Carol
Professor, Health Sciences, Kapiʻolani CC
Paxton, Laurence J
Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa
Peters, Joan D
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Stephenson, Carolyn M
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Sugihara, Kazuo
Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Teshima, Dick Y
Associate Professor and Chair, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Tsang Mui Chung, M
Professor, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, UH Hilo
Vincent, Douglas L
Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Wesley-Smith, Terence
Professor and Director, School of Pacific and Asian Studies, UH Mānoa
Yamamoto, Eric K
Professor, School of Law, UH Mānoa
Yamauchi, Warren M
Facilities Planning and Design, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Yokooji, Robynn
Institutional Support, Student Affairs, UH Mānoa
20 years
Akiu, Debora A
Library Technician, Dean’s Office, Honolulu CC
Albertini, Tamara D
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa
Aung-Thwin, Michael A
Professor, School of Pacific and Asian Studies, UH Mānoa
Babcock Jr, Roger W
Associate Professor, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Bhawuk, Dharm P
Professor, College of Business, UH Mānoa
Curtis, Thomas A
Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Fujikane, Candace L
Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Fukata, Laverne H
Secretary, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Goodman, James
Dean and Associate Professor, Dean’s Office, Leeward CC
Hodell, Sarah L
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Guidance, Windward CC
Hoffenberg, Peter
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa
Huddleston, Michael R
Lecturer, Outreach College, UH Mānoa
Inouye, Lori L
Institutional Support, Chancellor’s Office, UH Mānoa
Machi, Junji B
Professor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
McDougall, Dennis J
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Middleton, Linda C
Assistant Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Ordway, Olgierd
Professor, College of Business, UH Mānoa
Pence, David F
Allied Health and Safety, Chancellor’s Office, UH Mānoa
Robinow, Steven N
Interim Associate Dean, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Soguk, Nevzat
Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Stark, Miriam T
Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Tamashiro, Lynn M
Legal Support, Legal Affairs and University General Counsel, UH System
Tateishi, Allen A
Associate Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC
Tiffany-Kinder, Ronnie
Jr Specialist, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Umemoto, Karen N
Professor and Chair, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Wang, Chen-Yen
Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, UH Mānoa
Wong, Kerry L
Associate Professor, School of Hawaiian Knowledge, UH Mānoa
Wong, Sandra L
Institutional Support, Administration, UH System
Yee, Melvin P
Library Assistant, Library Services, UH Mānoa
10 years
Aeby, Greta S
Assistant Researcher, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa
Aikau, Hokulani K
Administrator, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Akamine, Stella S
Assistant Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC
Arruda III, Damien D
Agricultural Research Technician, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Baek, Kyungim
Assistant Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Balinbin Santos, R
Instructor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Boland, Mary G
Dean, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, UH Mānoa
Boydstun, Jeremiah S
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Leeward CC
Bruns, Terrence W
Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences, Kauaʻi CC
Butler, John E
Professor, College of Business, UH Mānoa
Cabral, Carrie A
Library Assistant, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Cain, Eileen A
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Leeward CC
Casanova, Henri A
Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Chau, Aaron
Associate Professor, Food Services, Kapiʻolani CC
Cheon, Sang Y
Associate Professor and Director, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Cook, Bryan G
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Cook, Lysandra H
Associate Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
De Mello, Gavien R
Janitor, Auxiliary Service, UH Hilo
De Silva, Kahikina K
Instructor, School of Hawaiian Knowledge, UH Mānoa
Esteban, Mary A
Associate Professor, General Education, Kapiʻolani CC
Fujioka-Imai, Kathryn
Associate Professor, Language Arts, Leeward CC
Furumo, Kimberly A
Professor, College of Business and Economics, UH Hilo
Gargiulo, Christopher
Associate Professor, Humanities, Kapiʻolani CC
Han, Shirley S
Office Assistant, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Hart, Patrick J
Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Henry, James M
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Herman, Steven
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Hilldorfer, Martina C
Associate Professor, Food Services, Kauaʻi CC
Hoffman, Ellen
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Ibara, Mei-Yee C
Administration, Information Technology Services, UH System
Inglis, Kerri A
Associate Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Joseph, Michiko S
Academic Support, UH West Oʻahu
Kam-Kalani, Karadeen
Assistant Professor, Humanities, Honolulu CC
Kaneshiro, Emi M
Instructional and Student Support, Outreach, Leeward CC
Kawabata, Wendy A
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa
Kilbert, Anthony C
Info, Events and Publications, Kauaʻi CC
Kong, Dong-Kwan
Assistant Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Kuahine, Christopher J
Assistant Professor, Maintenance Repair, Honolulu CC
Kukea Shultz, Pohai L
Associate Specialist, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Li, Yong
Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Losch, Tracie K
Associate Professor, Humanities, Leeward CC
Lowrey, Shannon G
Instructor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Luk, Charles K
Institutional Support, Research Services, UH System
Ma, Tianwei
Professor, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Mattos Harrell, Erin K
Secretary, Academic Affairs, Windward CC
Medeiros, Christopher
Carpenter, Facility, Grounds and Safety Office, UH Mānoa
Medeiros, Vernon W
Physical Plant Management, Administrative Affairs, UH Hilo
Menchaca, Michael P
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Moffett, Joel P
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Mānoa
Mooy, Cherie A
Associate Professor, Nursing, Kauaʻi CC
Morel, Rayna K
Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Morgan Jr, Charles F
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Nagle, Laura L
Associate Professor, Language Arts, Maui College
Oliva, Carly U
Instructional and Student Support, School of Hawaiian Knowledge, UH Mānoa
Pang, Cheryl M
Janitor, Intercollegiate Athletics, UH Mānoa
Quintana, Benito J
Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa
Sakamoto, Paul M
Information Technology Services, UH System
Seffrood, Jiajia
Associate Professor, Natural Sciences, Leeward CC
So, Lawrence M
Information Technology, Outreach College, UH Mānoa
Suetsugu, Tracee Y
Instructor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Tabura, Maureen M
Assistant Professor, Nursing, Kauaʻi CC
Takushi, Kyle Y
Assistant Professor, Vocational Technology, Maui College
Tanabe, Clifton S
Assistant To Senior Executive, Chancellor’s Office, UH Mānoa
Tsuda, Kyle H
Building and Grounds Custodian, Administrative Director’s Office, Hawaiʻi CC
Tsukazaki, Wayne J
Office Assistant, Student Affairs, UH Mānoa
Turner, Jason P
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Vargo, Stephen L
Professor, College of Business, UH Mānoa
Varner, Gary S
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Williams Jr, Ronald
Instructor, School of Hawaiian Knowledge, UH Mānoa
Williams, Paulette L
Assistant Professor, Nursing, Kapiʻolani CC
Yamashita, Gayle S
Institutional Support, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Yudko, Errol B
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo
Zuercher, Deborah K
Associate Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa