The University of Hawaiʻi community has come together to help the thousands who have been affected by the massive earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday, April 25. Measuring in at a magnitude of 7.9, the earthquake devastated thousands of people and left many without basic amenities such as food, drinking water, shelter and medicine.
The Society of Nepalese in Hawaiʻi (SNEHA) held a candlelight vigil on Thursday, April 30 in front of UH Mānoa’s Kennedy Theatre to honor those who were lost in the destruction of the earthquake as well as for those who are still missing. They also collected donations at UH Mānoa Campus Center on April 29 and 30.
Kapiʻolani Community College’s International Café staged a Nepalese flute performance by Ram B. Kumar and Anna Stirr on Thursday, April 30 at the campus’ cafeteria. All proceeds will go directly to the American Nepal Medical Foundation.
Basanta Pahari, a senior at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo who hails from Nepal, has initiated a donation fund to help survivors of the devastating earthquake that struck his homeland. Read the UH Hilo Stories article for more.
Photos from the vigil
View photos on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Flickr site.
More ways to help
SNEHA is also organizing a fundraising dinner at Himalayan Kitchen on Sunday, May 3, 12:30 to 8. Call (808) 285-2628 to RSVP.
There will also be a fundraising lunch on May 13, 11:30–1:30 p.m. at the UH Mānoa Agricultural Science Building room 219.
The public can donate online at the SNEHA website. SNEHA is a 501(c)3 organization (a tax-exempt non-profit organization).