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Check out more Noodle Nite 2014 pictures at the School of Law Flickr site.

Stew Day and Noodle Night—when the University of Hawaiʻi William S. Richardson School of Law faculty honor law students by serving them free, bountiful meals as they head into exam season—are just two of the many unique and homey traditions that set apart the law school.

Professors get to wear chef hats and frilly aprons at these events, but they model an attitude of service and of appreciation for the students at one of the country’s smallest and highest ranked law schools.

Pegged by U.S. News & World Report as first in the nation for the diversity of its student body, the UH Mānoa law school continues to rate high in a number of annual national surveys.

In the latest rankings, the William S. Richardson School of Law had these impressive outcomes:

  • Third lowest in student debt from attending law school
  • Fifth best in practical skills training
  • Seventh best in the percentage of admissions offers accepted

These factors help explain how this past fall the law school enrolled its largest number of students ever, thereby bucking the national trend.

Law School Dean Avi Soifer explained, “We have not had to relax our standards to continue to enroll extraordinary students. This is largely because of our uniquely friendly atmosphere blended with rigorous practical training. We train leaders as well as lawyers and our students actually enjoy law school.”

Still time to apply

For those hoping to enter the UH Mānoa law school next fall, Admissions Director Elisabeth Hutchison said there is still time to make the final May 13 deadline to take the June LSAT.

The law school’s “rolling admissions policy” means that they will continue to accept applications until July 7.

Contact Hutchison at (808) 956-5557, or at the law school’s admissions site.

—By Beverly Creamer

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