A team of students from the Computing, Electronics and Networking Technologies (CENT) program at Honolulu Community College finished 7th in the nation in the gold division of the fall 2014 season of the National Cyber League (NCL). The team was anchored by Honolulu CC students Eric Kotake who placed 3rd, Taylor Kina who placed 76th and Joe Lee who placed 103rd overall out of 822 national competitors.
The National Cyber League is a cybersecurity competition that runs in a similar fashion to a collegiate athletic event. Students participating in the competition are provided with an online virtual gymnasium to practice their cyber skills and an online stadium in which the competitions are run in. There are three brackets—novice (bronze), intermediate (silver) and experienced players (gold).
“We’re proud of all the players from over 145 colleges and universities that competed in the NCL season,” states Casey O’Brien, commissioner of the National Cyber League. “In addition to working through customized content in the NCL gyms, these students had to rigorously demonstrate knowledge and skills based on various industry-recognized performance objectives.”
A second Honolulu CC team, HCC-Makai, also competed in the fall 2014 NCL season and finished 17th in the bronze division.
At Honolulu Community College, CENT Professor Aaron Tanaka used the NCL gym exercises and the NCL competition to enhance a CENT course on ethical hacking.
“At Honolulu CC we are strong advocates of hands-on learning and really appreciate the interactive and dynamic nature of NCLM/abbr>. We feel that just by participating in the competition, all our students gained in their quest of becoming cybersecurity professionals,” shares Tanaka.
—By Billie Lueder