Children’s Literature Hawaiʻi (CLH) will hold its annual Children’s Used Book Sale on Tuesday, April 15 and Wednesday April 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Kuykendall courtyard at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus.
All sales will benefit the 17th Biennial Conference on Literature and Hawaiʻi’s Children, Beyond the Moon: Journeys Imaginary and Real, on June 6–7, which will feature author Kathi Appelt and artist Grace Lin.
Book donations are accepted in Kuykendall room 402. For more on the 2014 conference, visit the CLH website.
About Children’s Literature Hawaiʻi
Children’s Literature Hawaiʻi is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support and appreciation of children’s literature. CLH seeks to increase the understanding of the importance of story in shaping children’s lives and to provide children and those who care about children’s literature with opportunities to encounter the rich legacy of story in its many forms.
The biennial conference is sponsored in part by the UH Mānoa’s Department of English.