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Hawaii Review book

Hawaiʻi Review celebrates its 40th anniversary with the publication of Hawaiʻi Review 78, which includes the 2013 Ian MacMillan Creative Writing Award winners.

Rachel Wolf, 2011–2013 editor in chief of the Hawaiʻi Review says, “I am thrilled about the tonal variations that are found in this issue. It contains everything from meditations on the malls and pool halls that one might encounter growing up on Oʻahu, to poems and short stories that focus closely on the objects, like an antique milk creamer, that are held as beloved memories of times past.”

Hawaiʻi Review is a student-run, bi-annual literary journal that features a mixture of international and Hawaiʻi-based literature, as well as special illustrations and artwork of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Hawaiʻi Review was founded in 1973, and celebrates its 40th anniversary with the publication of Hawaiʻi Review 78. Hawaiʻi Review is one of the longest running literary journals of its kind in the country.

This edition features creative writing and art selections that address the concept of place-based identification, asking what it means to identify a place as one’s home. Awards are presented in both fiction and poetry categories. These awards are a chance for students in the University of Hawaiʻi system, and writers from around the world, to compete for monetary prizes and publication in the journal. The late Ian MacMillan was a professor of English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, and helped found Hawaiʻi Review.

Hawaiʻi Review will be available for pick up at the Ka Leo office in Hemenway Hall, Sinclair and Hamilton Libraries, as well as the UH Mānoa bookstore and English department at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Campus.

Hawaiʻi Review is free to all Mānoa students.

Visit Hawaiʻi Review website for more information.

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