The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law’s Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law unveiled ʻOhia, a new periodic publication inspired by a line from a chant for King David Kālakaua—ʻohia mai ā pau pono nā ʻike kumu o Hawaiʻi (gather up every bit of the basic knowledge of Hawaiʻi).
ʻOhia features papers on cutting-edge issues impacting Native Hawaiian law. The papers were written by Ka Huli Ao’s post-juris doctor research fellows—Kaʻanoʻi Walk’s article on the Native court systems, Julian Aguon’s Native Hawaiians and international law article, Nāpali Souza’s research on Native government and economic issues and Stephanie Chen’s law clinic on ancestral land preservation paper.
Ka Huli Ao’s director of educational development Susan Serrano explains that ʻOhia is “advancing cutting-edge theory and concepts, fostering understanding of Native Hawaiian history, culture and social context, and linked to on-the-ground Native Hawaiian and other Indigenous justice issues.”
Read about other Ka Huli Ao publications in the UH Mānoa news release.