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The UH Cancer Center’s Kami White is interviewed about the center’s 20-year study on the connection between body weight and breast cancer. (Photo courtesy UH Cancer Center)

A unique study led by the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center and the University of Southern California is analyzing the connection between breast cancer and body weight by tracking more than 200,000 people in Hawaiʻi

The study began 20 years ago in 1993 and involves women in five ethnic groups, including African Americans, Caucasians, Hawaiians, Japanese and Latinos. Featured in the International Journal of Cancer, the study’s results help to validate the link between obesity and cancer.

To learn more about the study, watch the video featured in honor of October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month on KITV 4 News with the UH Cancer Center’s Cancer Epidemiology Program Specialist Lynne Wilkens and Research Biostatistician and Epidemiologist Kami White.

UH in the News for October 5–11, 2012

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