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The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates August 2012 faculty and staff anniversaries.

40 Years

Blanchard, Dixie C
Researcher and Professor, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, UH Mānoa

Young Jr, Donald B
Interim Associate Dean and Professor, College Of Education, UH Mānoa

30 Years

Callejo, Sherry A
Secretary, School of Public Health, UH Mānoa

Chang, Nancy
Janitor Supervisor, Facility, Grounds and Safety Office, UH Mānoa

Grau, E G
Professor and Director of Sea Grant, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Hanlon, David L
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Heberle, Mark A
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Medeiros, Peter J
Audio Technician, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Noonan, Mary J
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Odin, Steve
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Okuda, Gladys M
Enterprise Operations, Administration, UH System

Pye, John J
Professor, Natural Sciences, Maui College

Reynolds, Katsue A
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Roth, Randall W
Professor, School of Law, UH Mānoa

Shigehara, Deborah S
Interim Director, Office of Continuing Education and Training, Hawaiʻi CC

Wilhoite-Nakasone, P A
Library Assistant, Library Services, UH Mānoa

20 Years

Ady, Jeffrey C
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Aki, Jessie L
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC

Alam, Maqsudul
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Barnes, Bruce E
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Bauer, Michael J
Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences, Leeward CC

Buck, Linda
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC

Caulfield, Rick A
Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Chansky, Shirley R
Office Assistant, University Health Services, UH Mānoa

Chao, Beei-Huan
Professor, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa

Chen, Hong-Mei
Professor, College of Business Administration, UH Mānoa

Chernisky, Joseph J
Professor, Humanities, Leeward CC

Colvin, Marilyn A
Assistant Specialist, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Davis, Kathryn A
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Dejesus, Vicki T
Pre Audit Clerk, Administration, UH System

Drexler, Debra M
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Duponte, Michael W
County Extension Agent, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Frary, Peter K
Professor, Humanities, Leeward CC

Furuto, Sandra K
Director, Data Governance & Operations, Academic Affairs, UH System

Gooch, Patricia A
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC

Goya, Mary E
Professor, Vocational Education, Hawaiʻi CC

Gushiken, Dee
Enterprise Operations, Administration, UH System

Hayashi, Karla S
Jr Specialist, Academic Affairs, UH Hilo

Higa, Kyle T
Information Technology, Natural Sciences, Honolulu CC

Hoffmann, Kathryn A
Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Hsu, Ruth Y
Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Hussey, Thomas K
Associate Professor, Vocational Technology, Maui College

Jenkins, Amelia A
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Kaai Jr, Elmer K
Info, Events and Publications, Chancellor’s Office, UH Mānoa

Kaluhiokalani, Manao C
Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences, Leeward CC

Lee, Richard A
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo

Masunaga, Karen A
Instructor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Mau, Marjorie K
Professor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa

Mccoy, Floyd W
Professor, Natural Sciences, Windward CC

Merritt, Hiroko
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Kauaʻi CC

Miller, Timothy F
Medical Technologist, University Health Services, UH Mānoa

Minasian, David M
Professor, Humanities, Leeward CC

Modavi, Neghin
Professor, Social Science, Kapiʻolani CC

Munn, Daniel R
University Security Offcer, Administration, UH System

Murata, Nathan M
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Nahulu, Linda B
Associate Professor Specialist, Student Affairs, UH Mānoa

Okuma, Ellen K
Professor, Dean’s Office, Hawaiʻi CC

Reed, Gay G
Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Roberts, Stacey B
Associate Professor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Robertson, Ian N
Professor, College Of Engineering, UH Mānoa

Rogers, Stacy L
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC

Sanders, Beth H
Interim Directer, UH Center West Hawaiʻi and Professor, Provost’s Office, Hawaiʻi CC

Sasaki, Galen H
Associate Professor, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa

Shimabukuro, Bert Y
Professor, Maintenance Repair, Honolulu CC

Takahashi, Robin K
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo

Tom, Lois T
Academic Support, Sinclair Circulation. Library Services, UH Mānoa

Tschudi, Stephen L
Jr Specialist, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Tse, Alice M
Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, UH Mānoa

Uchima, Francis-Dean A
Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences, Hawaiʻi CC

Wada, Yuka
Instructor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Whitley, Charles G
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Honolulu CC

Yamashita, Elaine K
Professor, Vocational Education, Maui College

Yogi, Lisa A
Professor, Vocational Technology, Honolulu CC

Yoshimi, Dina R
Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Yu, Richard C
Assistant Professor, Social Science, Leeward CC

10 Years

Altamira, Iris V
Research Research Associate, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Bordaje, Cesar A
Janitor, Facility, Grounds and Safety Office, UH Mānoa

Callahan, Sean M
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Chang, Sumi
Instructor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Chyba, Monique
Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Cox, Sharon P
Assistant Professor, Professional Studies/Justice Administration, UH West Oʻahu

Das Gupta, Monisha
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Deen, Kamil U
Associate Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Dobbs, Joan C
Assistant Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Doo, Lina J
Associate Professor, Humanities, Kapiʻolani CC

Dunn, Hugh H
Project Director, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Ebersole, Michele M
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo

Englert, Peter A
Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Fares, Ali
Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Figueroa, Ramon M
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo

Funai, Grace M
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Guidance, Hawaiʻi CC

Gima, Charlene S
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Honolulu CC

Gorecki, Emilia A
Instructor, College of Education, UH Mānoa

Guieb, Barbara A
Office Assistant, Water Resources Research Center, UH Mānoa

Hattori, Mary T
Associate Professor, Deans Office, Dean’s Office, Kapiʻolani CC

Hoang, Tung T
Associate Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Housman, April R
Associate Professor, Academic Affairs, UH Hilo

Idol, Travis W
Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Ikagawa, Toshihiko
Assistant Professor, Social Science, Windward CC

Ikeda, Reid K
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, UH Mānoa

Inada, Kendall T
Instructor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Ivanova, Raina B
Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, UH Hilo

Jenkins, Daniel M
Associate Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Kaakua, Joshua K
Coordinator, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa

Kaiser, Ralf I
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Kauila, Pualani E
Instructor, Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, UH Mānoa

Kong, Lara M
Secretary, Academic Affairs, Windward CC

Kosasa, Karen K
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Kwon, Brenda L
Assistant Professor, Language Arts, Honolulu CC

Lauzon, Matthew J
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Lee, Cindy C
Fiscal Accounting Specialist, Research Services, UH System

Leonard, Barbara J
Associate Professor, Academic Affairs, UH Hilo

Lipske, Robert D
Teacher, Outreach College, UH Mānoa

Marquez, Benjamin E
Assistant Professor, Business Education, Maui College

Miyashiro, Ronn K
Head Golf Coach (Men’s), Athletics, UH Mānoa

Moore, Johanna B
Associate Professor, Business Education, Maui College

Ogata, Veronica F
Assistant Professor, Social Science, Kapiʻolani CC

Okimoto, Darren K
Associate Specialist, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Pauka, Kirstin
Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Potter-Dunlop, Julie A
Assistant Professor, Nursing, Maui College

Randolph, Richard S
Associate Professor, Language Arts, Kauaʻi CC

Rath, Richard C
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Ravizza, Gregory E
Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Rockwood, David C
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, UH Mānoa

Ruttenberg, Kathleen C
Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Mānoa

Sakashita, Jay S
Associate Professor, Humanities, Leeward CC

Shimabukuro Lee, Jan M
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Guidance, Leeward CC

Shurilla, Teresa M
Assistant Professor, Business Education, Maui College

Souza, Kathleen A
Institutional Support, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, UH Mānoa

Spencer, James
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Streveler, Dennis J
Professor, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa

Sussman, Sharon A
Associate Professor, Humanities, Kapiʻolani CC

Tan, Calvin K
Assistant Professor, Business Education, Kapiʻolani CC

Thau, Eric M
Assistant Professor, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, UH Mānoa

Tremonti, Joseph R
Assistant Professor, Humanities, Kapiʻolani CC

Wakinekona, Lynette L
Instructional and Student Support, Student Affairs, UH Mānoa

Woollen, Mary C
Instructor, College of Business Administration, UH Mānoa

Yakabu-Muramoto, C M
Institutional Support, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Yamada, Dorianne A
Program Coordinator, Academic Affairs, UH Hilo

Yang, Jinzeng
Assoc Prof, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Yee, Barbara W
Professor, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UH Mānoa

Yee, Thomas
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

Yoo, Theodore J
Associate Professor, College of Arts and Humanities, UH Mānoa

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