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Kagawa, Mudd, Ngo and Youel headshots

The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation elected four new members to the board of trustees. Their terms begin July 1, 2012.

Kathleen Kagawa is the president and owner of the Hawaiʻi 5-0 Group of companies. Kagawa serves on the board of the Hawaiʻi Employer’s Mutual Insurance Company and the Menehune Foundation and has been appointed by the governor to serve on the HEMIC Oversight Council.

Ritchie N. Mudd is the founder and former CEO of RSI Roofing and Building Supply. Mudd deeply appreciates Hawaiian music and culture and supports it through gifts to the Music and Entertainment Learning Experience program at Honolulu Community College.

Catherine Ngo is the executive vice president and chief administrative officer at Central Pacific Bank. She is currently an advisory board member for Zero2IPO Group, a private equity industry service provider in China, and also sits on the board of Enterprise Honolulu.

Kent R. Youel is a retired Coast Guard Lieutenant Commander and Army veteran who’s numerous decorations include the Bronze Star Medal for valor and the Purple Heart. He is a member of the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation’s Founders Club and Heritage Society and is a former ʻAhahui Koa Ānuenue director.

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