Celebrate International Education Week November 14–18 with a assortment of interesting events and activities on three UH community college campuses.

Kapiʻolani Community College
- Monday, November 14
Activities include health and healing practices from around the world, La Table Francaise, Uchinanchu-Okinawan dance, a Fishing For Tuna and Bandidos in South America: The Strange Tale of Tuna Laundering presentation and the award winning film Bag It. - Tuesday, November 15
Experience the splendor of Indonesia, Balinese music and dance of the Baris, the film The Linguists, music from around the world, a look at sustainable industries, the search for justice in Cambodia and dances of Sevillana - Wednesday, November 16
Learn about alternative health practices around the world, African music by Sango, photography in the real world, an International Café, the traditional sport of Burma and the film confessions - Thursday, November 17
Find out how Afghanistan’s past contribute to the present and explore the Taiko Center of the Pacific and careers in the U.S. Foreign Service
For a detailed schedule of these events, see International Education Week at Kapiʻolani Community College.
Hawaiʻi Community College
- Monday, November 14
Enjoy the photo contest Places We Have Been and an International Pizza Party - Tuesday November 15
Explore the international coffee tasting, a high altitude adventure to Peru and historical and cultural perspectives in Brazil Night - Wednesday November 16
Learn about a year studying in New Zealand and study abroad opportunities in Honduras and view the movie Brazil: Cidade de Deus (City of God) - Thursday November 17
Taste international coffees, share in Japanese culture, attend a lecture on the nuclear crisis in Japan and watch Japan: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Kaze no Tani no Naushika) - Friday November 18
Discover Kauhale in Estonia, where fire and ice meet and learn Estonian culture and traditional folk dance
For more details, see International Education Week at Hawaiʻi Community College.
Leeward Community College
- Wednesday, November 16
Enjoy a cultural kaleidoscope - Thursday, November 17
Experience a world of music celebration at LRC After Hours - Friday, November 18
See the Japanese and Spanish speech contest
For details, see International Education Week at Leeward Community College.