(NOTE: Access to publish your office hours is not available during regularly scheduled maintenance activities that occur daily between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.)
Faculty have the option of publishing their office hours in MyUH for students to access.
- Go to MyUH
- Search for the “Faculty Services Menu” task by entering text in the search bar, then ENTER.
- The “Faculty Services Menu” task will appear in the Search Results section. Click on the task. You will be prompted to login if you have not already done so.
From the Faculty Services main menu, click on “Faculty Detail Schedule.”
You will see the following Faculty Detail Schedule screen.
- All of the courses you are scheduled to teach will be listed on this page.
- Look for the row with “Office Hours” and click on the “Add” link.
You will see the following screen. The Office Hours page is where you can enter the following information:
- Enter in the From Time (0000-2359)
- Enter in the To Time (0000-2359)
- Check the appropriate boxes for Day of the Week (M, T, W, Th, F, S, U)
- Select a Contact Number from the pull-down menu of telephone numbers listed for you. Additional numbers may be added via the Personal Menu.
- Enter in a Location
Location is a free-form field. It can include, for example:-
an instructor’s office building and number
a url if the the office hours are for internet chat
an email address
- Enter in From Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Enter in To Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Check the Display box to allow students to view
- You also have the option of copying information to another class. Use the pull-down menu to select a class.
- Click on the Submit button to save any changes.