Advisee List

(NOTE: Advisee lists are not available during regularly scheduled maintenance activities that occur daily between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.)

The Advisee List allows you to view information about students assigned to you as advisees for the term.  Only students registered in the term will appear on your list. The students may change each term based on their registration status. If there are any missing students or students who should not be on your list, contact the advising coordinator at your institution.

To access your Advisee List:

  • Go to MyUH
  • Search for the “Advisee Listing” task by entering text in the search bar, then ENTER.
  • The “Advisee Listing” task will appear in the Search Results section. Click on the task. You will be prompted to login if you have not already done so.

You will see the following screen:



Email_Icon.jpg  The Email icon will launch your email program with the student’s email address automatically populating the To: box.

The Email your advisees link or icon at the bottom of your list will launch your email program with the email addresses of all of your advisees in the bcc: box.  Caution:  Some email programs do not accommodate large numbers of addressees.  If your advisee list is long and you encounter problems, please work with your campus help desk for your campus email program.

Export Data

The Export Data box at the bottom of your list allows you to copy and paste your list of advisees into a spreadsheet application like Excel.

To export the data from your Advisee List

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the Advisee List to the “Export Data” window
  • Highlight all of the text in the Export Data box by clicking in the box
  • Copy the highlighted data

To paste the copied data into a spreadsheet

  • Open your spreadsheet application, like Microsoft Excel
  • Click into the A1 field
  • Paste the copied data.  Adjust the width of the columns as needed or delete unwanted columns.

The student’s primary and secondary curriculum and the institution for the curriculum with other majors, minors, and concentrations associated with that program (maximum of two of each) are displayed on the Export Data list.  All of the majors, minors, and concentrations associated with the student’s curriculum are displayed via the Student Information (Stud Info) link on the web Advisee List.


Highligted links on your Advisee List will provide additional information about the student. The following links will take you to the pages displayed below.  To return to your list of advisees, use the “Return to Previous” link or the back arrow on the tool bar.  The “Return to Menu” link in the upper right will take you to the Faculty Services Menu.

  • Student’s name – displays the student’s address and telephone number and access to the student’s email addresses.
  • Student Info – provides curriculum information about your advisee.
  • Holds – displays any holds your advisee may have.
  • Test Scores – displays any test scores on file for your advisee.
  • Reg Hist – displays your advisee’s registration history.
  • Ed Goals – displays any educational goal information your advisee has entered.
  • Sched – displays your advisee’s class schedule for the term.

Student Address and Phone Number Page

Student Information Page


Display of Student’s Holds Page

Display of Test Scores Page

Student’s Registration History Page

Student’s Educational Goals Page

Student’s Term Class Schedule