
Holds may be placed on your account due to financial obligations, mandatory academic advising, outstanding documents, etc. Holds that prevent registration (both adding and dropping of classes) must be cleared prior to registering for classes. For more information, please contact the office listed on the hold. Log into STAR to view your holds.

KEY:    $ = Financial Hold        Health Clearance Hold = Health Clearance Hold       

Hold Description Details Registration at all campuses Registration ONLY at the identified campus Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Academic Advising Hold You are required to contact your academic advisor prior to registration. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
$ Balance Due You have a balance due. Please contact your institution’s cashier’s office or email billpayment-l@lists.hawaii.edu. Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$ Balance Due Restrictions Apply You have an overdue balance that is greater than $200. Please contact your institution’s cashier’s office or email billpayment-l@lists.hawaii.edu. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Dean of Students Hold You must contact your Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or Dean of Student Services. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Early Admit Hold As a student in the Early Admit Program, you must contact your advisor. Registration at all campuses
$ External Collections You have an overdue balance that has been reported to Williams & Fudge Collection Agency. Please contact 800-551-5572 or email Williams&Fudge@wfcorp.com. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$ Fin Oblig Write Off Acct You have an old past due balance owed. Please contact your institution’s cashier’s office. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$ Financial Obligation Hold You have a past due balance. Please contact your institution’s cashier’s office or billpayment-l@lists.hawaii.edu. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$ Financial Obligation-Write Off You have an old past due balance owed. Please contact your institution’s cashier’s office. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$ Internal Collections You have a past due balance. Please contact 808-956-6295 or email rkomenak@hawaii.edu. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Int’l Stdnt Hlth Insuranc Hold As an international student, you must supply proof of health insurance. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Int’l Student Other Hold As an international student, additional information is needed. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Jump Start Hold As a student in the Jump Start Program, you must contact your advisor. Registration at all campuses
Long Term Loan NB Fin Oblig Long Term State Institutional Loans. Please contact uhloans@hawaii.edu or 808-956-8785. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Health Clearance Hold Meningococcal Vaccine Hold  Meningococcal immunization is required to reside in on-campus student housing.
Military Exempt Verif Hold Additional information is needed to support your military tuition exemption. Registration at all campuses
Misc Admission Hold Contact the Admissions Office for specific information. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Misc Registration Hold Contact the Records Office for specific information. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
$ NB Fin Oblig <=$200.00 You have an external balance due of $200 or less. Contact information is provided in hold detail. Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
$  NB NO REGI Fin Oblig >$200.00 You have an external balance due greater than $200. Contact information is provided in hold detail. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
NewStdnt Orientn/Advising Hold You must attend a new student orientation. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
No Local Address Hold An active local Hawai’i address is required. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Records Office Hold Contact the Records Office for specific information. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Running Start Hold As a student in the Running Start Program, you must contact your advisor. Registration at all campuses
SC Title IX Hold You have a Title IX-related hold. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
$ Send to Collections Hold You have an overdue balance and have been sent to Collections. Registration at all campuses Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
SSN/DOB/Lgal Name Verif. Hold There is a discrepancy with personal information previously provided. Registration at all campuses
Success Advising Hold Contact your academic advisor. Registration ONLY at the identified campus
Sys Stdn DisciplinarySanc Hold You have a system-wide disciplinary hold. Please contact the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, avpsa@hawaii.edu, (808) 956-8753. Registration at all campuses
Systemwide Registration Hold You have a hold that prevents registration at all UH campuses. Registration at all campuses
Unreturned Keys Fin Ob Hold Keys were not returned. Registration ONLY at the identified campus Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Unreturned Univ Property FinOb Property owned by the University (e.g. laptop, camera) were not returned. Registration ONLY at the identified campus Issuance of Official Transcript & Diploma
Veteran’s Certification Hold Contact your Veteran’s Certifying Official for specific information. Registration ONLY at the identified campus