Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Responsible Campus Official (RCO)?

An executive employee of the University designated by the Chancellor/Provost of each campus to be responsible for the oversight of Covered Programs.


I have been designated RCO for my campus. What are my responsibilities in reviewing applications from CPAs to establish Covered Programs?

The RCO has the responsibility to review the scope, intent, and logistics of a prospective Covered Program, taking into consideration any safety or additional resources concerns the Covered Program may pose, and ensuring that staffing of the Covered Program by Covered Persons is appropriate. In addition, the RCO should confirm that all Covered Programs meet or enhance the University’s mission.

After approval of the Covered Program, the RCO must also ensure that the Mandated Reporter requirements are followed and documented. In cases where Mandated Reporter obligations may be triggered, the Responsible Campus Official should also consult with the appropriate Title IX Coordinator.


What is a Covered Program?

Any organized event or activity that includes participants who are Covered Program Minors, and that is offered, sponsored or approved by:

  • The University, a University-affiliated organization, or a Chartered Student Organization, whether on or off University premises, or
    • A non-University organization using University facilities pursuant to a facilities use agreement, or other contractual arrangement with the University. 

Covered Programs include University on-campus child care centers and the University Laboratory School, which must have detailed policies and procedures that comply with applicable State and federal laws and regulations, and have sufficient liability coverage. 


What is a Covered Program Minor?

A “minor” is any person under the age of 18.  For purposes of this policy, a Covered Program Minor is any person under the age of 18, who is participating in a Covered Program.  The definition of Covered Program Minor shall exclude:

  • Persons enrolled as University students or persons admitted into the University as a student who is not participating in a Covered Program
    • Minors participating in any early college or dual enrollment programs where they are only registered in regular college courses (I.e. “unsheltered”); and  
    • Persons receiving medical or dental care from the University that is open to the general public.


What is a Covered Person?

A person who is responsible for the custody, control or supervision of minors participating in the Covered Program and who is:

  • A University Community Member;
    • A Volunteer for a Covered Program;
    • A member of a non-University organization that operates programs for minors in University facilities, where the organization is covered by an agreement like facilities use agreement with the University, and its employees, agents, and volunteers; or
    • A contractor, including an independent contractor, external consultant, worker hired through an outside employment agency, and worker employed on campus through service vendors.

If there is a question about whether a person is a “Covered Person,” in any given situation, the Responsible Campus Official or designee shall make that determination.


What minors are covered by this policy?

To be covered by this policy a minor must be:

  • Under the age of 18
  • Participating in a Covered Program.
  • Does NOT include admitted students even if they are under 18
  • Does NOT include early college or dual enrollment students in “non-sheltered” classes.
  • Does NOT include individuals coming to campus for medical or dental care open to the general public.


What activities with minors are exempt from the policy?

  • Events or activities that are open to the general public, where parents/guardians/teachers are expected to provide supervision of minors, e.g., fairs, festivals, entertainment events, sporting events, youth visiting the campus on their own or simply using University facilities;
  • Official University admissions-related activities for prospective students, including alumni interviews, visits by candidates for admission and pre-enrollment services, and visits by prospective students and student athletes; however, University Community Members engaged in such activities are responsible for understanding and complying with the Guidelines for Interacting with Minors.
  • Minors who are student employees are covered by other University policies pertaining to students and employees.
  • Research protocols involving minors as human subjects, which are subject to the requirements specified by the relevant Institutional Review Board.
  • Educational activities offered to schools where teachers are expected to provide supervision of minors or other activities, e.g., field trips and campus tours by the Department of Education schools.


If UH Community Members and non-UH Volunteers have completed a background check through another agency or organization (ie, RCUH or DOE) do they have to complete the background check process at through this Administrative Procedure?

Any Covered Person who has undergone a background check process with a Covered Program that uses the services of a third party, and whose process is consistent with this policy and Administrative Procedure AP2.202, may not need to complete a background check through the University.


If a Covered Person is screened through fingerprinting and a background check, will they have to be rescreened if they seek to participate in another program?

Covered Persons will be re-screened, including fingerprinting, if there is a break I service for twelve (12) months or more or if new information arises regarding their background.
