Responsible Campus Official (RCO)

  • What is a Responsible Campus Official?
    As executive employee of the University designated by the Chancellor/Provost of each campus to be responsible for the oversight of Covered Programs.
  • I have been designated RCO (Responsible Campus Official) for my campus.  What are my responsibilities in reviewing applications from CAPs (Campus Program Administrators) to establish Covered Programs?
    The RCO (Responsible Campus Official) has the responsibility to review the scope, intent, and logistics of a prospective Covered Program, taking into consideration any safety or additional resources concerns the Covered Program may pose, and ensuring that staffing of the Covered Program by Covered Persons is appropriate.  In addition, the RCO (Responsible Campus Official) should confirm that all Covered Programs meet or enhanced the University’s mission.

    After approval of the Covered Program, the RCO (Responsible Campus Official) must also ensure that the Mandated Reporter requirements are followed and documented.  In cases where Mandated Reporter obligations may be triggered, the Responsible Campus Official should also consult with the appropriate Title IX Coordinator.
  • Who is my designated RCO if I am hosting a program that includes more than one campus?
    The RCO should be at the campus of the CPA requesting the program.