
  • What is a Covered Program Minor?
    A “minor” is any person under the age of 18.  For purposes of this policy, a Covered Program Minor is any person under the age of 18, who is participating in a Covered Program.  The definition of Covered Program Minor shall exclude:
    • Persons enrolled as University students or persons admitted into the University as a student who is not participating in a Covered Program
      • Minors participating in any early college or dual enrollment programs where they are only registered in regular college courses (I.e. “unsheltered”); and
      • Persons receiving medical or dental care from the University that is open to the general public.
  • What minors are covered by this policy?
    To be covered by this policy a minor must be:
    • Under the age of 18.
    • Participating in a Covered Program.
    • Does NOT include admitted students even if they are under 18.
    • Does NOT include early college or dual enrollment students in “non-sheltered” classes.
    • Does NOT include individuals coming to campus for medical or dental care open to the general public.
  • What activities with minors are exempt from the policy?
    • Events or activities that are open to the general public, where parents/guardians/teachers are expected to provide supervision of minors, e.g., fairs, festivals, entertainment events, sporting events, youth visiting the campus on their own or simply using University facilities;
    • Official University admissions-related activities for prospective students, including alumni interviews, visits by candidates for admission and pre-enrollment services, and visits by prospective students and student athletes; however, University Community Members engaged in such activities are responsible for understanding and complying with the Guidelines for Interacting with Minors.
    • Minors who are student employees are covered by other University policies pertaining to students and employees.
    • Research protocols involving minors as human subjects, which are subject to the requirements specified by the relevant Institutional Review Board.
    • Educational activities offered to schools where teachers are expected to provide supervision of minors or other activities, e.g., field trips and campus tours by the Department of Education schools.