Covered Program

  • What is a Covered Program?
    Any organized event or activity that includes participants who are Covered Program Minors, and that is offered, sponsored or approved by:
    • The University, a University-affiliated organization, or a Chartered Student Organization, whether on or off University premises, or
    • A non-University organization using University facilities pursuant to a facilities use agreement, or other contractual arrangement with the University.

    Covered Programs include University on-campus child care centers and the University Laboratory School, which must have detailed policies and procedures that comply with applicable State and federal laws and regulations, and have sufficient liability coverage.
  • How would I seek authorization to set up this workshop as a Covered Program? (i.e. I am a UH employee who seeks to run a creative weekend workshop for high school students that will enhance their writing skills.)
    If this workshop includes the participation of UH Community Members as well as non-UH Volunteers, these prospective Covered Persons will need to undergo a thorough background check, as described in AP 2.202 – Background Check Process for University Community Members and Non-UH Volunteers.

    Before applying to the RCO for approval of the scope, intent and logistics of the program as a CPA, complete the Fieldprint Account Set-Up Instructions and submit the completed form with the required fiscal information to the UH Office of Human Resources.

    Once confirmation has been received that the account has been set up and a Fieldprint Code received, use the code to complete the OnBase Application for a Covered Program. The application will route to the designated RCO for approval.

  • I am a faculty employee setting up some evening research labs for high school students, which will be funded by RCUH and primarily staffed by RCUH employees as Covered Persons. Am I required to receive approval for these labs as a Covered Program?
    Since RCUH is a University-affiliated organization, these labs would be required to be approved as a Covered Program by the designated RCO. University-affiliated organizations include the Research Corporation for the University of Hawaii (RCUH), University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF), any campus foundation, campus alumni association, campus auxiliary services corporation, and any other entity so designated by the Chancellor of each campus.

  • If I am coordinating an off-campus UH-sponsored program at a non-UH facility, do I need to request to establish a Covered Program under the policy requirements?
    Yes. If the program is UH-sponsored with a UH Covered Program Administrator and UH Community Member participants, it must be authorized as a Covered Program and is subject to the policy requirements.