The Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc) degree is designed to encourage students to explore and apply diverse coursework and experiences to craft an individualized program of study applicable to a range of information environments, to become effective, reflective professionals. We regularly review, assess and evolve our program in consultation with students, alumni, professionals, employers and other stakeholders.
The 39 credits needed for the MLISc degree consist of six core courses (18 credits), an entering/exiting seminar sequence (3 credits total–thesis students are exempt from the exiting seminar requirement) and six approved electives (18 credits).
Core: Students are required to take at least one course corresponding to each of the six LIS Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Courses on this list not applied toward core requirements can count as electives:
SLO1 Services: Design, provide, and assess information services
LIS 601 Introduction to Reference and Information Services*
SLO2 Professions: Apply history and ethics to develop a professional LIS identity
LIS 610 Foundations of the Information Professions
LIS 654 Records, Archives & Memory
SLO3 Resources: Create, organize, manage and discover information resources
LIS 602 Resource Discovery
LIS 605 Metadata Creation for Information Organization
LIS 615 Collection Management
LIS 645 Asian Research Materials and Methods
LIS 651 Archival Arrangement and Description
SLO4 Technologies: Evaluate and apply information technologies
LIS 655 Digital Archives
LIS 656 Moving Image Archives
LIS 661 Informatics
LIS 665 Digital Instruction
LIS 672 Technology for Libraries and Information Centers
SLO5 Cultures: Analyze and apply knowledge about information needs and perspectives of indigenous cultures and/or diverse communities
LIS 630 Community Engagement
LIS 631 Introduction to Hawaiʻi and Pacific Librarianship
LIS 634 Multicultural Resources for Diverse User Groups
LIS 662 Asian Informatics
SLO6 Management: Demonstrate skills necessary to manage and work effectively within information organizations
LIS 614 Navigating Information Organizations
LIS 650 Management of Libraries and Information Centers
LIS 658 Archival and Special Collections Management
*Note: Students must earn a final grade of B- (or better) in LIS 601; students who earn a lower grade are required to repeat the course.
You may also want to view our Curriculum Map by SLO & Pathway for a more comprehensive overview of course options.
Seminar sequence: All students are required to take the noncredit First Semester Seminar. Students opting for the ePortfolio culminating experience (Plan B) are also required to complete a 3-credit LIS 691 Masters Seminar during their exiting semester. One of the primary goals of the seminar sequence is for students to develop, refine and complete the culminating ePortfolio. Thesis (Plan A) students’ culminating experience is the thesis defense and formal thesis submission.
First Semester Seminar (FSS): 0 credits; entering semester
LIS 691 Masters Seminar: 3 credits, exiting semester
Electives: The remaining 18 elective credits are drawn from a combination of LIS and other graduate-level courses approved by the student’s faculty advisor. Students are encouraged (but not required) to design an individualized program of study via six professional pathways.
Culminating Experience
Plan A (Thesis): As part of the 39 required credits, thesis students must take 6 credit hours in LIS 700 Thesis Research and 3 credit hours in an approved research methods course. To advance to candidacy and become eligible to enroll in LIS 700, students must complete at least 15 credits of coursework, and defend a thesis proposal in a private meeting with their thesis committee. While it is strongly suggested that all committee members physically attend the thesis proposal defense meeting, remote participation is permitted. Upon approval of the committee, students advance to candidacy, conduct their research, and present their results at a public defense. The thesis option is introduced in a Thesis Orientation/Q&A held at the start of every semester, and supported in coursework and regular advising sessions. Intent to choose Plan A over Plan B is normally declared by a student’s second semester in the program. Thesis students are exempt from the LIS 691 Masters Seminar requirement.
Plan B (Non-thesis): All Plan B students are required to create and present a reflective portfolio consisting of artifacts and evidence from approved course assignments and other professional experiences throughout the program, demonstrating mastery of the six program SLOs. The portfolio is introduced in the first semester as part of the First Semester Seminar (FSS), supported in coursework and regular advising sessions throughout the program, and compiled, presented and assessed in LIS 691 Masters Seminar, taken in the semester the student expects to graduate.
School Librarian Licensure
All individuals must hold a Hawaiʻi teaching license to work as a school librarian in Hawaiʻi’s public schools. The Hawaiʻi Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) issues School Librarian teaching licenses. This license requires a master’s in library and information science.
Individuals who hold a Hawaiʻi teaching license and complete the MLISc School Library Media pathway are recommended to HTSB for adding the School Librarian teaching field. Grade level bands (K-6, 6-12, or K-12) are based on the school where individuals complete their practicum. Individuals who do not have a teaching license will need one before the School Librarian teaching field can be added.
License Requirements:
As part of the MLISc 39 credit curriculum listed above, students on the School Library Media pathway must complete the following courses:
- LIS 686 Information Literacy & Learning Resources (3 credits)
- LIS 696 Practicum in Librarianship (3 credits)
- Two electives focused on children and youth services (6 credits)
It is also expected that those who complete the School Library Media pathway have already completed courses in developmental psychology, curriculum and instruction, teaching of reading, and student teaching. If these prerequisites have not been met at the time a student enters the MLISc program, the student may concurrently take course work to meet these requirements.
Some private schools do not require librarians to hold a School Librarian license. Nonetheless, students are strongly encouraged to follow the School Library Media pathway if they intend to work in school libraries.
If you hold a School Librarian license in another state, please contact HTSB to inquire about reciprocity.