In Memoriam: Dr. Luz Marina Quiroga

The UHM LIS Program is sad to announce the passing of our former colleague Associate Professor Dr. Luz Marina Quiroga who taught at UH from 2000 until 2019 in areas related to Information Retrieval, Databases, Library Systems, and website design. She was born in 1947 in Manizales, Colombia, and earned a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering […]

LIS Invites Applications for Public Broadcasting Preservation Fellowship

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library & Information Science Program invites applications for one (1) paid fellowship to run from August 2022 through May 2023. This IMLS grant-supported fellowship is for students with a demonstrated interest in audio and visual media archives. The fellow will engage in the digital preservation of public media collections […]

Fall 2021 Blair Award Recipients: Sarah Arzate and Lauren Nielsen

Sarah Arzate and Lauren Nielsen are the fall 2021 recipients of the Robert and Rita Blair Memorial Award. This coveted award is presented to graduating students who show special promise in providing library services to children and youth. The LIS faculty select the awardees based on high academic standing and strong evidence of professional leadership. […]

Dr. Tonia Sutherland Collaborates with AfterLab, New Research Group

Dr. Tonia Sutherland has joined the team of AfterLab, along with the University of Washington’s iSchool’s Anna Lauren Hoffman, Marika Cifor, and Megan Finn. AfterLab, a new research group at the iSchool, is dedicated to thinking about what happens after — the aftermath of disasters, afterlives of personal data, after careful attempts at ethical governance […]

It Matters Who Does This Work: An Interview with Dr. Tonia Sutherland

Sophia Ziegler of Louisiana State University recently interviewed LIS Assistant Professor Tonia Sutherland for the Journal of Critical Digital Librarianship: In this interview, recorded September 14, 2021, Sophia Ziegler talks to Tonia Sutherland about her work in critical digital librarianship, focusing specifically on her presentation during the LDL as Data Speaker Series in late 2019, […]

LIS Adjunct Faculty Stasha Gardasevic receives Dan J. Wedemeyer Excellence in Teaching Award

Congratulations to CIS Doctoral Candidate & LIS Adjunct Faculty Stanislava (Stasha) Gardasevic, this year’s recipient of the Dan J. Wedemeyer Excellence in Teaching Award administered by Graduate Division! This award honors a doctoral student who has demonstrated outstanding teaching skill and concern for student learning. The award is named in honor of the late Emeritus […]