Jill Sommer’s students in LIS 659: Archival Access, Representation and Use processed papers from the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i’s Archives. The class is shown with JCCH Archives Manager Gail Kuroda and Adjunct faculty Jill Sommer after making their final presentations. Students made recommendations for preservation, privacy protection, and how these collections could be used […]
Wertheimer Presents at Association for Asian American Studies
Dr. Wertheimer gave a paper at the Association for Asian American Studies 2023 conference in Long Beach, California. His paper, “The Issei Role in Fostering a Prewar Nisei Leadership: The Fushimi Memorial Scholarship Society in Nikkei Hawaiʻi” explores the prewar Japanese American association that established the Fushimi Memorial Scholarship Society for Nisei to study at […]
State Archivist and LIS Adjunct Instructor Adam Jansen Repatriating Hawaiʻi Items
State Archivist and LIS Adjunct Instructor Adam Jansen flew to New York in March to bring back Queen Liliʻuokalani’s Royal Standard, as well as letters and documents related to the overthrow. The items were to be auctioned off but were instead acquired by the State Archives, thanks to $60,000 in donations that enabled the State […]
Stanislava Gardasevic Presents Research Forum on Community Design of a Knowledge Graph
The LIS Research Forum continues with a presentation by Stanislava Gardasevic, a Communication & Information Sciences PhD candidate and a LIS Teaching Assistant and Course Instructor titled “Community Design of a Knowledge Graph to Support Interdisciplinary PhD Students”. How do PhD students discover the resources and relationships conducive to satisfaction and success in their degree […]
Rich Gazan re-elected LIS Program Director
After serving seven years as LIS Program Chair, the LIS faculty unanimously elected Professor Rich Gazan to continue in the same role with a new title, LIS Program Director, in the new School of Communication and Information in the College of Social Sciences. “My vision for LIS is not to inflict any single vision of […]
Meera Garud Presents as part of UHWO’s Misinformation Week
LIS Instructor Meera Garud, MLISc gave a talk on “Getting Past the Trigger: Learning How to Navigate Misinformation with Grace” as part of UH West Oʻahu Library’s Misinformation Week on March 20, 2023. This weeklong event raised awareness about this important topic with nine sessions led by faculty, college librarians, public librarians, and school librarians. […]