The Center for the Study of Libraries, Information & Society (CSLIS) has voted to appoint Vanessa Irvin, Ed.D., as a CSLIS Fellow for 2015-2016. She is being awarded this honor in appreciation for her tireless work in helping to define the CSLIS as a founding member of its Steering Committee. Irvin’s contributions helped to make […]
Category Archives: Congratulations
Ruth Horie Receives Award from PIALA
LIS alumna and adjunct faculty member Ruth Horie received a Lifetime Achievement Award from PIALA (Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives and Museums) at their 24th Annual Conference in November 2014 at Koror, Palau. Ruth helped advance an international partnership between the Hawaii Library Association and PIALA in 1998 when she was HLA Vice President. She […]
Denise Sumida Wins National Buzz Award
Denise Sumida, a 1997 LIS alumnus, has been awarded the School Library Journal’s Buzz Award, sponsored by @BrainHive. The school librarian from Pearl Harbor Elementary was recognized for her exemplary use of digital content to engage students in a range of reading and literacy projects. This award is given to a librarian who is developing […]
Linda Lindsay and Michelle Colte “Make IT Happen”!
Linda Lindsay (1991 LIS alumnus) and Michelle Colte (2004 LIS alumnus) were selected for the “Make IT (Instructional Technology) Happen” award at the Schools of the Future Conference held on November 7, 2014, at the Hawaii Convention Center. The Hawaii Society for Technology in Education sponsored the award that recognizes outstanding K-12 educators, who have […]
Michelle Colte is SLJ’S 2014 School Librarian of the Year
Michelle Colte, 2004 LIS alumni, has been selected 2014 School Librarian of the Year by School Library Journal. Michelle is school librarian at Hale Kula Elementary in Wahiawa. This prestigious award honors K-12 school library professionals for outstanding achievement and exemplary use of 21st-century tools and services. Michelle received a $2,500 cash award and another […]
Blair Award Winners
Congratulations to Susan Davidson, Danielle Todd, and Katelyn Yoxtheimer, who are the spring 2014 recipients of the Robert and Rita Blair Memorial Award. This coveted award is presented to graduating students who show special promise in providing library services to children and youth. The LIS faculty select the awardees based on their high academic standing […]