- Location:
- 847 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96817
- Website:
- http://www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/library/
Internship Description
The Library seeks an energetic self-starter who is looking for some practical, real-world experience in a community college setting. A typical internship would involve time at the reference desk helping students with research. Independent projects may include assisting with information literacy instruction, collection development/management, educational technology (LibGuides, web design, etc.), and public programming, exhibits, and displays.
Library/Collection Description
The Honolulu Community College Library provides services and resources to support the campus’s educational programs that include liberal arts, career and technical education fields, and apprenticeship and journey worker training. Located in Honolulu’s urban core, the College embraces its open-door policy, and its student population reflects the communities it serves.
Required Qualifications
- LIS 601 Introduction to Reference & Information Services
- LIS 602 Resource Discovery
Desired Qualifications
- Interest in gaining experience in academic librarianship in a community college setting.
- Coursework in reference, collection development, information literacy, and web design may be helpful.
- Excellent customer service/communication skills.
Weekly Schedule
Schedule is flexible. Internship hours will align with the library’s operational hours and may include evenings. Currently: Mon-Thurs 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Fri 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Goals and Outcomes
Learning outcomes and goals will be created on an individual basis for each intern, taking into consideration the student’s expectations and those of the library. Outcomes may include, but are not limited to:
- Real-world experience providing reference services to students, faculty, and campus community via phone, email, and in-person.
- Experience assisting with course-integrated information literacy instruction.
- Experience evaluating and assisting with collection development and management.
- Creation of online guides and tutorials using multimedia technology (web design, HTML, and/or LibGuides).
- Experience with planning and implementing public programming, exhibits, and displays.
Evaluation Methods
Verbal and written feedback will be provided to the intern on an ongoing basis. The LIS 690 evaluation form will be completed by the supervising librarian.
Evaluation Schedule
A formal evaluation based upon the LIS 690 evaluation form will be provided at the end of the semester.
Contact Information
- Supervisor:
- Stefanie Sasaki
- E-mail:
- sasakist@hawaii.edu
- Telephone:
- (808) 845-9463