Sullivan Library, Chaminade University of Honolulu

3140 Waialae Ave, Honolulu, HI, 96816

Internship Description

Work in a general academic collection requires a diversity of skills. There will be opportunities for training in a variety of managerial, public and technical services. The intern will receive training in and benefit from practical experience in selected areas such as:

  • Collection development
  • Information literacy
  • Reference service
  • Library assessment and planning
  • Library instruction classes
  • Technical services

An effort will be made to tailor special projects to the interests and skills of the intern. Examples of special projects may include some of the following:

  • Electronic resource analysis
  • Web site development
  • Instructional materials
  • Library displays
  • Preservation
  • Distance learning

Library/Collection Description

Sullivan Library is a university library serving a largely undergraduate population of approximately 2,500 students. The university offers more than 25 undergraduate degrees and six graduate degrees. The library collection consists of over 70,000 physical volumes and other electronic resources. We are conveniently located within 25 minutes walking distance of UH Mānoa.

Required Qualifications

  • LIS 601 Introduction to Reference & Information Services
  • Ability to work as a team player

Desired Qualifications

  • LIS 605 Metadata Creation for Information Organization
  • LIS 663 Database Searching

Weekly Schedule

Flexible. Some evening hours preferred.

Goals and Outcomes

  • Familiarity with the range of different skills expected of professional librarians
  • Knowledge of some of the overall planning and management of a library organization
  • Confidence in handling some of the daily duties of an information professional

Evaluation Methods

Interns will be supervised by a librarian and be expected to progress in knowledge and skills throughout the semester. Evaluations will be based on factors such as reliability, ability to communicate effectively, ability to follow through on assignments and professional attitude.

Evaluation Schedule

Verbal and written feedback will be provided. Weekly reports and discussions with the supervising librarian will be ongoing. A formal evaluation will be provided at the end of the semester.

Contact Information

Sharon LePage
(808) 735-4725
Last Updated: 2013April02