UHM LIS Program Re-accredited by ALA

accredited-seal_smallDr. Gazan, who attended the ALA Mid-Winter 2016 conference to represent the UHM LIS Program before the ALA Committee on Accreditation wrote from Boston to say:

I’m very happy to report that ALA has granted us continuing accreditation for the maximum seven year period. Many of you took time to answer surveys, meet with the visiting team and in large ways and small helped demonstrate who we are as a program, and this best-case outcome would not have been possible without you.

We received both praise for our uniqueness and constructive suggestions for improvement, but in my final meeting with the Committee on Accreditation they mostly wanted to talk about how impressed they were with the level of engagement of our students, alumni, faculty, administration and the local LIS community. So to all of you, and to our families who support us in our work, thank you!

For a copy of the re-accreditation letter from ALA, click here. For the official UH Manoa press release, click here.

Rich Gazan
LIS Program Chair