Regents Delegate Some Personnel Actions to President

The Board of Regents Committee on Personnel Relations this year reviewed a proposal from the University administration to delegate authority for some personnel actions to the President or his designee.

At its February meeting the board accepted the committee's recommendation that the following actions be delegated for a period of one year and subject to a review early in 2001. The president may now approve:

• Waiver of probationary periods for new faculty within policy and collective bargaining agreement

• Appointment of members to the Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Appeals Board

• Stipends of more than $500 paid to faculty for the performance of temporary administrative duties as department chair, special program director and chairs of academic subdivisions

• Waiver of minimum qualifications of faculty for the purposes of hiring, promotion and tenure within policy

• Leaves, both with and without pay, within existing Board of Regents' policies and collective bargaining agreements

• Granting of emeritus title and status within Board of Regents' policy

• Designation of high demand disciplines in accordance with Board of Regents' policy

• Stipend amounts paid to cooperating teachers/counselors and observation/participation teachers

• Approval of off-scale salaries for new faculty

The first, third and fourth items above have been further delegated to appropriate senior vice presidents or chancellors, and review mechanisms have been established for the one-year period of the delegation. The administration will report to the board in March 2001 on the manner and extent to which these authorities have been exercised.

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